这个工作到底如何? 在validation二叉search树时会寻找什么? 我写了一个基本的search树,但从来没有听说过这个概念。
必须检查Leftchild(minLimitof node,node.value)
IsValidBST(root,-infinity,infinity); bool IsValidBST(BinaryNode node, int MIN, int MAX) { if(node == null) return true; if(node.element > MIN && node.element < MAX && IsValidBST(node.left,MIN,node.element) && IsValidBST(node.right,node.element,MAX)) return true; else return false; }
另一种解决scheme(如果空间不是约束):执行树的遍历并将节点值存储在数组中。 如果数组按照sorting顺序排列,那么它的有效BST不是。
“validation”二叉search树意味着您检查它确实有左侧的所有较小的项目和右侧的大项目。 从本质上讲,这是一个检查,看看二叉树是二叉search树。
我发现的最佳解决scheme是O(n),它不使用额外的空间。 它与遍历序列相似,但不是将其存储到数组中,而是将其存储到数组中,然后检查它是否被sorting,我们可以取一个静态variables,并在遍历数组时sorting。
static struct node *prev = NULL; bool isBST(struct node* root) { // traverse the tree in inorder fashion and keep track of prev node if (root) { if (!isBST(root->left)) return false; // Allows only distinct valued nodes if (prev != NULL && root->data <= prev->data) return false; prev = root; return isBST(root->right); } return true; }
bool is_bst(Node *root) { if (!root) return true; std::stack<Node*> stack; bool started = false; Node *node = root; int prev_val; while(true) { if (node) { stack.push(node); node = node->left(); continue; } if (stack.empty()) break; node = stack.top(); stack.pop(); /* beginning of bst check */ if(!started) { prev_val = node->val(); started = true; } else { if (prev_val > node->val()) return false; prev_val = node->val(); } /* end of bst check */ node = node->right(); } return true; }
(defstruct BST :val :left :right) (defn in-order [bst] (when-let [{:keys [val, left, right]} bst] (lazy-seq (concat (in-order left) (list val) (in-order right))))) (defn is-strictly-sorted? [col] (every? (fn [[ab]] (< ab)) (partition 2 1 col))) (defn is-valid-BST [bst] (is-strictly-sorted? (in-order bst)))
由于BST的有序遍历是一个非递减序列,我们可以用这个属性来判断二叉树是否是BST。 使用Morris遍历和维护pre
节点,我们可以得到O(n)时间和O(1)空间复杂度的解。 这是我的代码
public boolean isValidBST(TreeNode root) { TreeNode pre = null, cur = root, tmp; while(cur != null) { if(cur.left == null) { if(pre != null && pre.val >= cur.val) return false; pre = cur; cur = cur.right; } else { tmp = cur.left; while(tmp.right != null && tmp.right != cur) tmp = tmp.right; if(tmp.right == null) { // left child has not been visited tmp.right = cur; cur = cur.left; } else { // left child has been visited already tmp.right = null; if(pre != null && pre.val >= cur.val) return false; pre = cur; cur = cur.right; } } } return true; }
bool BinarySearchTree::validate() { int minVal = -1; int maxVal = -1; return ValidateImpl(root, minVal, maxVal); } bool BinarySearchTree::ValidateImpl(Node *currRoot, int &minVal, int &maxVal) { int leftMin = -1; int leftMax = -1; int rightMin = -1; int rightMax = -1; if (currRoot == NULL) return true; if (currRoot->left) { if (currRoot->left->value < currRoot->value) { if (!ValidateImpl(currRoot->left, leftMin, leftMax)) return false; if (leftMax != currRoot->left->value && currRoot->value < leftMax) return false; } else return false; } else { leftMin = leftMax = currRoot->value; } if (currRoot->right) { if (currRoot->right->value > currRoot->value) { if(!ValidateImpl(currRoot->right, rightMin, rightMax)) return false; if (rightMin != currRoot->right->value && currRoot->value > rightMin) return false; } else return false; } else { rightMin = rightMax = currRoot->value; } minVal = leftMin < rightMin ? leftMin : rightMin; maxVal = leftMax > rightMax ? leftMax : rightMax; return true; }
“首先定义一个不variables比较好,这里的不variables是 – 在顺序遍历中BST的任何两个顺序元素必须严格按照它们的外观顺序递增(不能相等,总是按顺序递增遍历),所以解决scheme可以只是简单的按顺序遍历,记住上次访问的节点,并将当前节点与上一次访问的节点比较为“<”(或“>”)。
bool ValidateBST(Node *pCurrentNode, int nMin = INT_MIN, int nMax = INT_MAX) { return ( pCurrentNode == NULL ) || ( ( !pCurrentNode->pLeftNode || ( pCurrentNode->pLeftNode->value < pCurrentNode->value && pCurrentNode->pLeftNode->value < nMax && ValidateBST(pCurrentNode->pLeftNode, nMin, pCurrentNode->value) ) ) && ( !pCurrentNode->pRightNode || ( pCurrentNode->pRightNode->value > pCurrentNode->value && pCurrentNode->pRightNode->value > nMin && ValidateBST(pCurrentNode->pRightNode, pCurrentNode->value, nMax) ) ) ); }
我最近在一个电话采访中得到了这个问题,并且比我应付得更多。 我试图跟踪孩子节点中的最小值和最大值,在面试的压力下,我无法将自己的大脑包围在不同的案例中。
在昨天晚上睡着的时候考虑了这个问题之后,我意识到这跟跟踪在遍历过程中访问的最后一个节点一样简单。 在Java中:
public <T extends Comparable<T>> boolean isBst(TreeNode<T> root) { return isBst(root, null); } private <T extends Comparable<T>> boolean isBst(TreeNode<T> node, TreeNode<T> prev) { if (node == null) return true; if (isBst(node.left, prev) && (prev == null || prev.compareTo(node) < 0 )) return isBst(node.right, node); return false; }
public boolean isValid(Node node) { return isValid(node, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } private boolean isValid(Node node, int minLimit, int maxLimit) { if (node == null) return true; return minLimit <= node.value && node.value <= maxLimit && isValid(node.left, minLimit, node.value) && isValid(node.right, node.value, maxLimit); }
// using inorder traverse based Impl bool BinarySearchTree::validate() { int val = -1; return ValidateImpl(root, val); } // inorder traverse based Impl bool BinarySearchTree::ValidateImpl(Node *currRoot, int &val) { if (currRoot == NULL) return true; if (currRoot->left) { if (currRoot->left->value > currRoot->value) return false; if(!ValidateImpl(currRoot->left, val)) return false; } if (val > currRoot->value) return false; val = currRoot->value; if (currRoot->right) { if (currRoot->right->value < currRoot->value) return false; if(!ValidateImpl(currRoot->right, val)) return false; } return true; }
要找出BT是否是BST的任何数据types,你需要用下面的方法。 1.使用inorder遍历调用recursion函数直到叶节点结束2.自己构build最小值和最大值。
#define MIN (FirstVal, SecondVal) ((FirstVal) < (SecondVal)) ? (FirstVal):(SecondVal) #define MAX (FirstVal, SecondVal) ((FirstVal) > (SecondVal)) ? (FirstVal):(SecondVal) template <class T> bool IsValidBST (treeNode &root) { T min, max; return IsValidBST (root, &min, &max); } template <class T> bool IsValidBST (treeNode *root, T *MIN , T *MAX) { T leftMin, leftMax, rightMin, rightMax; bool isValidBST; if (root->leftNode == NULL && root->rightNode == NULL) { *MIN = root->element; *MAX = root->element; return true; } isValidBST = IsValidBST (root->leftNode, &leftMin, &leftMax); if (isValidBST) isValidBST = IsValidBST (root->rightNode, &rightMin, &rightMax); if (isValidBST) { *MIN = MIN (leftMIN, rightMIN); *Max = MAX (rightMax, leftMax); } return isValidBST; }
bool isBST(struct node* root) { static struct node *prev = NULL; // traverse the tree in inorder fashion and keep track of prev node if (root) { if (!isBST(root->left)) return false; // Allows only distinct valued nodes if (prev != NULL && root->data <= prev->data) return false; prev = root; return isBST(root->right); } return true; }
工作正常 :)
recursion很容易,但迭代的方法更好,上面有一个迭代版本,但是它太复杂了。 以下是您可以在任何地方find的最佳 c++
struct TreeNode { int value; TreeNode* left; TreeNode* right; }; bool isBST(TreeNode* root) { vector<TreeNode*> stack; TreeNode* prev = nullptr; while (root || stack.size()) { if (root) { stack.push_back(root); root = root->left; } else { if (prev && stack.back()->value <= prev->value) return false; prev = stack.back(); root = prev->right; stack.pop_back(); } } return true; }
。 TreeNode predecessor
是prev节点。 我不确定解决scheme是否正确。 因为遍历不能定义一棵整棵树。
public boolean isValidBST(TreeNode root, TreeNode predecessor) { boolean left = true, right = true; if (root.left != null) { left = isValidBST(root.left, predecessor); } if (!left) return false; if (predecessor.val > root.val) return false; predecessor.val = root.val; if (root.right != null) { right = isValidBST(root.right, predecessor); } if (!right) return false; return true; }
static class BSTValidator { private boolean lastNumberInitialized = false; private int lastNumber = -1; boolean isValidBST(TreeNode node) { if (node.left != null && !isValidBST(node.left)) return false; // In-order visiting should never see number less than previous // in valid BST. if (lastNumberInitialized && (lastNumber > node.getData())) return false; if (!lastNumberInitialized) lastNumberInitialized = true; lastNumber = node.getData(); if (node.right != null && !isValidBST(node.right)) return false; return true; } }
isBinary(root) { if root == null return true else if( root.left == NULL and root.right == NULL) return true else if(root.left == NULL) if(root.right.element > root.element) rerturn isBInary(root.right) else if (root.left.element < root.element) return isBinary(root.left) else return isBInary(root.left) and isBinary(root.right) }
private static boolean checkBst(bst node) { Stack<bst> s = new Stack<bst>(); bst temp; while(node!=null){ s.push(node); node=node.left; } while (!s.isEmpty()){ node = s.pop(); System.out.println(node.val); temp = node; if(node.right!=null){ node = node.right; while(node!=null) { //Checking if the current value is lesser than the previous value and ancestor. if(node.val < temp.val) return false; if(!s.isEmpty()) if(node.val>s.peek().val) return false; s.push(node); if(node!=null) node=node.left; } } } return true; }
// time O(n), space O(logn) // pseudocode is-bst(node, min = int.min, max = int.max): if node == null: return true if node.value <= min || max < node.value: return false return is-bst(node.left, min, node.value) && is-bst(node.right, node.value, max)
// time O(n), space O(logn) // pseudocode is-bst(node, min = null, max = null): if node == null: return true if min != null && node.value <= min return false if max != null && max < node.value: return false return is-bst(node.left, min, node.value) && is-bst(node.right, node.value, max)
public class validateBinarySearchTree { public boolean isValidBST(TreeNode root) { return isBSTTraversal(root) && isBSTDivideAndConquer(root); } // Solution 1: Traversal // The inorder sequence of a BST is a sorted ascending list private int lastValue = 0; // the init value of it doesn't matter. private boolean firstNode = true; public boolean isBSTTraversal(TreeNode root) { if (root == null) { return true; } if (!isValidBST(root.left)) { return false; } // firstNode is needed because of if firstNode is Integer.MIN_VALUE, // even if we set lastValue to Integer.MIN_VALUE, it will still return false if (!firstNode && lastValue >= root.val) { return false; } firstNode = false; lastValue = root.val; if (!isValidBST(root.right)) { return false; } return true; } // Solution 2: divide && conquer private class Result { int min; int max; boolean isBST; Result(int min, int max, boolean isBST) { this.min = min; this.max = max; this.isBST = isBST; } } public boolean isBSTDivideAndConquer(TreeNode root) { return isBSTHelper(root).isBST; } public Result isBSTHelper(TreeNode root) { // For leaf node's left or right if (root == null) { // we set min to Integer.MAX_VALUE and max to Integer.MIN_VALUE // because of in the previous level which is the leaf level, // we want to set the min or max to that leaf node's val (in the last return line) return new Result(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, true); } Result left = isBSTHelper(root.left); Result right = isBSTHelper(root.right); if (!left.isBST || !right.isBST) { return new Result(0,0, false); } // For non-leaf node if (root.left != null && left.max >= root.val && root.right != null && right.min <= root.val) { return new Result(0, 0, false); } return new Result(Math.min(left.min, root.val), Math.max(right.max, root.val), true); } }
Node{ int value; Node right, left } public boolean ValidateBST(Node root){ Node currNode = root; Node prevNode = null; Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<Node>(); while(true){ if(currNode != null){ stack.push(currNode); currNode = currNode.left; continue; } if(stack.empty()){ return; } currNode = stack.pop(); if(prevNode != null){ if(currNode.value < prevNode.value){ return false; } } prevNode = currNode; currNode = currNode.right; } }
boolean isBST(Node root) { if (root == null) { return true; } return (isBST(root.left) && (isBST(root.right) && (root.left == null || root.left.data <= root.data) && (root.right == null || root.right.data > root.data)); }
function isBST(tree) { if (tree === null) return true; if (tree.left != undefined && tree.left.value > tree.value) { return false; } if (tree.right != undefined && tree.right.value <= tree.value) { return false; } return isBST(tree.left) && isBST(tree.right); }