
我有一个简单的c ++程序,我试图通过python脚本来执行。 (我对编写脚本非常陌生),并且无法通过pipe道读取输出。 从我所看到的看来,如果没有EOF,readline()似乎不起作用,但是我希望能够在程序中间读取并且让脚本响应输出的内容。 而不是阅读输出,它只是挂起python脚本:

#!/usr/bin/env python import subprocess def callRandomNumber(): print "Running the random guesser" rng=subprocess.Popen("./randomNumber", stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) i=50 rng.stdin.write("%d\n" % i) output=rng.stdout.readline() output=rng.stdout.readline() callRandomNumber() 

和c ++文件,它产生一个100之间的随机数,然后检查用户的猜测,直到他们猜测正确

 #include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> using namespace std; int main(){ cout<<"This program generates a random number from 1 to 100 and asks the user to enter guesses until they succuessfully guess the number. It then tells the user how many guesses it took them"<<endl; srand(time(NULL)); int num=rand()%100; int guessCount=0; int guess=-1; cout<<"Please enter a number: "; cin>>guess; while(guess!=num){ if(guess>num){cout<<"That guess is too high. Please guess again: ";} else{cout<<"That guess is too low. Please guess again: ";} cin>>guess; guessCount++; } cout<<"Congratulations! You solved it in "<<guessCount<<" guesses!"<<endl; return 0; } 


正如@Ron Reiter指出的那样 ,你不能使用readline()因为cout不会隐式地打印换行符 – 你可能需要在这里使用std::endl"\n"

对于交互式的使用,当你不能改变子程序时, pexpect模块提供了一些方便的方法(通常它可以免费解决:直接从/到terminalinput/输出(stdin / stdout之外)和块缓冲问题 ):

 #!/usr/bin/env python import sys if sys.version_info[:1] < (3,): from pexpect import spawn, EOF # $ pip install pexpect else: from pexpect import spawnu as spawn, EOF # Python 3 child = spawn("./randomNumber") # run command child.delaybeforesend = 0 child.logfile_read = sys.stdout # print child output to stdout for debugging child.expect("enter a number: ") # read the first prompt lo, hi = 0, 100 while lo <= hi: mid = (lo + hi) // 2 child.sendline(str(mid)) # send number index = child.expect([": ", EOF]) # read prompt if index == 0: # got prompt prompt = child.before if "too high" in prompt: hi = mid - 1 # guess > num elif "too low" in prompt: lo = mid + 1 # guess < num elif index == 1: # EOF assert "Congratulations" in child.before child.close() break else: print('not found') child.terminate() sys.exit(-child.signalstatus if child.signalstatus else child.exitstatus) 

它的工作,但它是一个二进制search因此(传统)可能有错误 。


 #!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import sys from subprocess import Popen, PIPE p = Popen("./randomNumber", stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, bufsize=1, # line-buffering universal_newlines=True) # enable text mode p.stdout.readline() # discard welcome message: "This program gener... readchar = lambda: def read_until(char): buf = [] for c in iter(readchar, char): if not c: # EOF break buf.append(c) else: # no EOF buf.append(char) return ''.join(buf).strip() prompt = read_until(':') # read 1st prompt lo, hi = 0, 100 while lo <= hi: mid = (lo + hi) // 2 print(prompt, mid) print(mid, file=p.stdin) # send number prompt = read_until(':') # read prompt if "Congratulations" in prompt: print(prompt) print(mid) break # found elif "too high" in prompt: hi = mid - 1 # guess > num elif "too low" in prompt: lo = mid + 1 # guess < num else: print('not found') p.kill() for pipe in [p.stdin, p.stdout]: try: pipe.close() except OSError: pass sys.exit(p.wait()) 

我很确定在你的C ++程序中添加换行会导致readlines返回。

你可能必须明确地closuresstdin ,所以subprocess会停止,我认为是你的代码发生了什么 – 这可以通过在terminal上运行top并检查randomnumber的状态是否保持hibernate来validation在预期的执行时间之后使用0%的CPU。

简而言之,如果在rng=subprocess(...) rng.stdin.close() rng=subprocess(...)调用之后添加rng.stdin.close() ,则可能会恢复正常。 另一个select是output=rng.communicate(stdin="%d\n" % i) ,分别查看stdoutstderr output[0]output[1] 。 你可以在这里find有关communicate 信息 。