
我喜欢提供有用的错误/消息,我也想为我的static_assert这样做。 问题是,他们依赖于模板参数。 通常情况下,这些参数会因为出错而显示在屏幕上或者其他屏幕上,但是这些参数要么是模糊的,要么是没有分组,所以它们是有意义的。 例:

 template<class T> struct fake_dependency{ static bool const value = false; }; template<class T, class Tag> struct Foo{ Foo(){} template<class OtherTag> Foo(Foo<T, OtherTag> const&){ static_assert(fake_dependency<T>::value, "Cannot create Foo<T,Tag> from Foo<T,OtherTag>."); } }; int main(){ Foo<int, struct TagA> fA; Foo<int, struct TagB> fB(fA); } 


 src\main.cpp(74): error C2338: Cannot create Foo<T,Tag> from Foo<T,OtherTag>. src\main.cpp(84) : see reference to function template instantiation 'Foo<T,Tag>::Foo<main::TagA>(const Foo<T,main::TagA> &)' being compiled with [ T=int, Tag=main::TagB ] 

一个标签在function模板本身中提到,另一个标签在类模板中提到。 不太好。 让我们看看GCC输出 :

 prog.cpp: In constructor 'Foo<T, Tag>::Foo(const Foo<T, OtherTag>&) [with OtherTag = main()::TagA, T = int, Tag = main()::TagB]': prog.cpp:18:32: instantiated from here prog.cpp:12:5: error: static assertion failed: "Cannot create Foo<T,Tag> from Foo<T,OtherTag>." 

更好,但仍然不是真正的static_assert 。 现在想象一些更多的参数,或更多的模板,或两者兼而有之。 不寒而栗


 template<class Tag, class OtherTag> struct static_Foo_assert{ static_assert(fake_dependency<Tag>::value, "Cannot create Foo<T,Tag> from Foo<T,OtherTag>."); }; template<class T, class Tag> struct Foo{ Foo(){} template<class OtherTag> Foo(Foo<T, OtherTag> const&){ static_Foo_assert<Tag, OtherTag> x; } }; 


 src\main.cpp(70): error C2338: Cannot create Foo<T,Tag> from Foo<T,OtherTag>. src\main.cpp(79) : see reference to class template instantiation 'static_Foo_assert<Tag,OtherTag>' being compiled with [ Tag=main::TagB, OtherTag=main::TagA ] 

好多了! 以下是GCC所说的 :

 prog.cpp: In instantiation of 'static_Foo_assert<main()::TagB, main()::TagA>': prog.cpp:17:40: instantiated from 'Foo<T, Tag>::Foo(const Foo<T, OtherTag>&) [with OtherTag = main()::TagA, T = int, Tag = main()::TagB]' prog.cpp:23:32: instantiated from here prog.cpp:8:5: error: static assertion failed: "Cannot create Foo<T,Tag> from Foo<T,OtherTag>." 

看起来不错。 问题:我需要为每个模板创build一个这样的结构,因为static_assert的错误信息需要是一个string文字…

现在,对于我的问题:我们可以以某种方式直接将types名称包含到static_assert吗? 喜欢

 static_assert(..., "Cannot create Foo<" T "," Tag "> from Foo<" T "," OtherTag ">."); 


无法从Foo<int,main::TagB>创buildFoo<int,main::TagA> Foo<int,main::TagB>




 template <typename Assertion> struct AssertValue : AssertionChecker<Assertion::value, Assertion> { static_assert(AssertionValue, "Assertion failed <see below for more information>"); static bool const value = Assertion::value; }; 



 // Bad indentation used to show parts static_assert( AssertValue< std::my_check< T0, decltype(*somethingComplicated), T7::value_type > >, "something horrible happened" ); 


有关完整的SSCCE示例,请参阅: IDEOne示例


 prog.cpp: In instantiation of 'AssertValue<std::is_base_of<IMyInterface, MyBadType> >': prog.cpp:37:69: instantiated from 'void MyFunction(IteratorType, IteratorType) [with IteratorType = __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<MyBadType*, std::vector<MyBadType> >]' prog.cpp:60:38: instantiated from here prog.cpp:9:5: error: static assertion failed: "Assertion failed <see below for more information>" prog.cpp: In function 'void MyFunction(IteratorType, IteratorType) [with IteratorType = __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<MyBadType*, std::vector<MyBadType> >]': prog.cpp:60:38: instantiated from here prog.cpp:39:5: error: static assertion failed: "iterator passed does not reference IMyInterface items" 


如果断言失败,它将打印AssertValue的模板参数,因此打印检查的完整模板扩展。 例如,如果您正在检查std::is_base_of ,它将打印完整types的检查,例如: std::is_base_of<IMyInterface, MyBadType> 。 那么你确切地知道在失败的断言中使用了哪些types。

唯一的问题是这只适用于将结果放在::value模板。 然而type_traits主要使用这个,并且是goto标准。


 #include "stdafx.h" #include <type_traits> template <class T> class must_be_pod { static void test() { static_assert (std::is_pod<T>::value, __FUNCTION__ ": not a POD"); } public: must_be_pod() { test(); } }; class not_a_pod { public: not_a_pod() {} virtual ~not_a_pod() {} }; int main() { must_be_pod<not_a_pod> should_fail; // and it does return 0; } 


 static_assert_test.cpp(10): error C2338: must_be_pod<class not_a_pod>::test: not a POD 

有可能得到一个string文字作为模板的非typesparameter passing,并带有一点点的跳跃 。 但是由于static_assert的第二个参数被限制为一个string字面值,而不是地址常量expression式,所以不幸的是没有多大用处。


std::type_info有一个成员const char* name()

 #include <typeinfo> using namespace std; //... const char* name = type_info(T).name();