

我已经熟悉用于分析运行时的标准Python模块(对于大多数情况,我已经发现IPython中的timeit魔术function已经足够了),但是我也对内存使用感兴趣,所以我可以探索这些折衷scheme(例如,caching先前计算的值的表格与根据需要重新计算它们的成本)。 有没有一个模块可以分析给定函数的内存使用情况?

这个已经在这里得到了答案: Python内存分析器

基本上你做了这样的事情(引自Guppy-PE ):

>>> from guppy import hpy; h=hpy() >>> h.heap() Partition of a set of 48477 objects. Total size = 3265516 bytes. Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class) 0 25773 53 1612820 49 1612820 49 str 1 11699 24 483960 15 2096780 64 tuple 2 174 0 241584 7 2338364 72 dict of module 3 3478 7 222592 7 2560956 78 types.CodeType 4 3296 7 184576 6 2745532 84 function 5 401 1 175112 5 2920644 89 dict of class 6 108 0 81888 3 3002532 92 dict (no owner) 7 114 0 79632 2 3082164 94 dict of type 8 117 0 51336 2 3133500 96 type 9 667 1 24012 1 3157512 97 __builtin__.wrapper_descriptor <76 more rows. Type eg '_.more' to view.> >>> h.iso(1,[],{}) Partition of a set of 3 objects. Total size = 176 bytes. Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class) 0 1 33 136 77 136 77 dict (no owner) 1 1 33 28 16 164 93 list 2 1 33 12 7 176 100 int >>> x=[] >>> h.iso(x).sp 0: h.Root.i0_modules['__main__'].__dict__['x'] >>> 


 import resource def using(point=""): usage=resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF) return '''%s: usertime=%s systime=%s mem=%s mb '''%(point,usage[0],usage[1], (usage[2]*resource.getpagesize())/1000000.0 ) 

只要插入using("Label") ,你想看看发生了什么事情。

我只想看看对象的内存使用情况,( 回答其他问题 )



 from pympler import asizeof asizeof.asizeof(my_object) 

不像sys.getsizeof ,它适用于你自己创build的对象

 >>> asizeof.asizeof(tuple('bcd')) 200 >>> asizeof.asizeof({'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'bar'}) 400 >>> asizeof.asizeof({}) 280 >>> asizeof.asizeof({'foo':'bar'}) 360 >>> asizeof.asizeof('foo') 40 >>> asizeof.asizeof(Bar()) 352 >>> asizeof.asizeof(Bar().__dict__) 280 

Python 3.4包含一个新模块: tracemalloc 。 它提供了关于哪个代码分配最多内存的详细统计信息。 这是一个显示分配内存的前三行的例子。

 from collections import Counter import linecache import os import tracemalloc def display_top(snapshot, key_type='lineno', limit=3): snapshot = snapshot.filter_traces(( tracemalloc.Filter(False, "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>"), tracemalloc.Filter(False, "<unknown>"), )) top_stats = snapshot.statistics(key_type) print("Top %s lines" % limit) for index, stat in enumerate(top_stats[:limit], 1): frame = stat.traceback[0] # replace "/path/to/module/file.py" with "module/file.py" filename = os.sep.join(frame.filename.split(os.sep)[-2:]) print("#%s: %s:%s: %.1f KiB" % (index, filename, frame.lineno, stat.size / 1024)) line = linecache.getline(frame.filename, frame.lineno).strip() if line: print(' %s' % line) other = top_stats[limit:] if other: size = sum(stat.size for stat in other) print("%s other: %.1f KiB" % (len(other), size / 1024)) total = sum(stat.size for stat in top_stats) print("Total allocated size: %.1f KiB" % (total / 1024)) tracemalloc.start() counts = Counter() fname = '/usr/share/dict/american-english' with open(fname) as words: words = list(words) for word in words: prefix = word[:3] counts[prefix] += 1 print('Top prefixes:', counts.most_common(3)) snapshot = tracemalloc.take_snapshot() display_top(snapshot) 


 Top prefixes: [('con', 1220), ('dis', 1002), ('pro', 809)] Top 3 lines #1: scratches/memory_test.py:37: 6527.1 KiB words = list(words) #2: scratches/memory_test.py:39: 247.7 KiB prefix = word[:3] #3: scratches/memory_test.py:40: 193.0 KiB counts[prefix] += 1 4 other: 4.3 KiB Total allocated size: 6972.1 KiB 

< 见附加 >

 pip install gprof2dot sudo apt-get install graphviz gprof2dot -f pstats profile_for_func1_001 | dot -Tpng -o profile.png def profileit(name): """ @profileit("profile_for_func1_001") """ def inner(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): prof = cProfile.Profile() retval = prof.runcall(func, *args, **kwargs) # Note use of name from outer scope prof.dump_stats(name) return retval return wrapper return inner @profileit("profile_for_func1_001") def func1(...)