
如果列表中的所有项目都具有相同的值,则需要使用该值,否则我需要使用“otherValue”。 我想不出一个简单明了的做法。


var val = yyy.First().Value; return yyy.All(x=>x.Value == val) ? val : otherValue; 

我能想到的最干净的方式。 您可以通过内联val来使其成为一行,但First()将被评估n次,使执行时间加倍。


 if(yyy == null || !yyy.Any()) return otherValue; 


 collection.Distinct().Count() == 1 

虽然你当然可以用现有的序列操作符来创build这样一个设备,但在这种情况下,我倾向于把它作为一个自定义序列操作符来编写。 就像是:

 // Returns "other" if the list is empty. // Returns "other" if the list is non-empty and there are two different elements. // Returns the element of the list if it is non-empty and all elements are the same. public static int Unanimous(this IEnumerable<int> sequence, int other) { int? first = null; foreach(var item in sequence) { if (first == null) first = item; else if (first.Value != item) return other; } return first ?? other; } 


将其作为一个在IEnumerable<T>上工作的generics方法IEnumerable<T>练习。 🙂

 return collection.All(i => i == collection.First())) ? collection.First() : otherValue;. 


 var first = collection.First(); return collection.All(i => i == first) ? first : otherValue; 
 public int GetResult(List<int> list){ int first = list.First(); return list.All(x => x == first) ? first : SOME_OTHER_VALUE; } 


 public static partial class Extensions { public static Nullable<T> Unanimous<T>(this IEnumerable<Nullable<T>> sequence, Nullable<T> other, IEqualityComparer comparer = null) where T : struct, IComparable { object first = null; foreach(var item in sequence) { if (first == null) first = item; else if (comparer != null && !comparer.Equals(first, item)) return other; else if (!first.Equals(item)) return other; } return (Nullable<T>)first ?? other; } public static T Unanimous<T>(this IEnumerable<T> sequence, T other, IEqualityComparer comparer = null) where T : class, IComparable { object first = null; foreach(var item in sequence) { if (first == null) first = item; else if (comparer != null && !comparer.Equals(first, item)) return other; else if (!first.Equals(item)) return other; } return (T)first ?? other; } } 


 var set = new HashSet<int>(values); return (1 == set.Count) ? values.First() : otherValue; 


 var value1 = items.First(); return values.All(v => v == value1) ? value1: otherValue; 


var result = yyy.Distinct().Count() == yyy.Count();


IP1 =
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

  var value=ip1[0][0]; //got the first index value var equalValue = ip1.Any(x=>x.Any(xy=>xy.Equals())); //check with all elements value if(equalValue)//returns true or false { return "Same Numbers"; }else{ return "Different Numbers"; }