

在我的一个项目中,我没有按时间顺序将标签添加到提交中。 (我发现了明显的提交并对它们进行了标记,然后我发现了不太明显提交,并对它们进行了标记。)

现在GitHub显示 v1.0.1是最新版本,前面是v0.7.0,之前 v1.1.2。

它似乎使用标签的创builddate作为发布date,而不是被标记的提交。 如何编辑我的标签,使他们的date与他们正在标记的提交相同?




  1. 回到代表标签的提交
  2. 删除标签(本地和远程)
    • 这将把你的GitHub上的“Release”变成一个你稍后可以删除的草稿。
  3. 使用魔术调用重新添加相同名称的标记,将其date设置为提交date。
  4. 将固定date的新标签推回到GitHub。
  5. 转到GitHub,删除任何现在的草稿版本,并从新的标签重新创build新版本


# Fixing tag named '1.0.1' git checkout 1.0.1 # Go to the associated commit git tag -d 1.0.1 # Locally delete the tag git push origin :refs/tags/1.0.1 # Push this deletion up to GitHub # Create the tag, with a date derived from the current head GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(git show --format=%aD | head -1)" git tag -a 1.0.1 -m"v1.0.1" git push --tags # Send the fixed tags to GitHub 




 git checkout SHA1_OF_PAST_COMMIT git tag -m"Retroactively tagging version 1.5" v1.5 

虽然这是完全可用的,但它的作用是将您的标签放在时间顺序上,这可能会影响到寻找“最新”标签的构build系统。 但不要害怕。 莱纳斯想到了一切:

 # This moves you to the point in history where the commit exists git checkout SHA1_OF_PAST_COMMIT # This command gives you the datetime of the commit you're standing on git show --format=%aD | head -1 # And this temporarily sets git tag's clock back to the date you copy/pasted in from above GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="Thu Nov 11 12:21:57 2010 -0800" git tag -a 0.9.33 -m"Retroactively tagging version 0.9.33" # Combining the two... GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(git show --format=%aD | head -1)" git tag -a 0.9.33 -m"Retroactively tagging version 0.9.33" 

然而,如果你已经添加了标签,你不能使用上面的git tag -f existingtag ,否则当你尝试合并时git会抱怨:

 Rammy:docubot phrogz$ git push --tags To git@github.com:Phrogz/docubot.git ! [rejected] 1.0.1 -> 1.0.1 (already exists) error: failed to push some refs to 'git@github.com:Phrogz/docubot.git' hint: Updates were rejected because the tag already exists in the remote. 


 git tag -d 1.0.1 

远程推送该删除 :

 git push origin :refs/tags/1.0.1 

在GitHub上,重新下载版本 – 版本现在被标记为“草稿” – 并删除草稿。


 git push --tags 



 git tag -l | while read -r tag ; do COMMIT_HASH=$(git rev-list -1 $tag) && GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(git show $COMMIT_HASH --format=%aD | head -1)" git tag -a -f $tag -m"$tag" $COMMIT_HASH ; done && git push --tags --force 

警告:这会破坏你的上游标签! 确保你知道你在做什么,并确定不要这样做的公共存储库!


 # Loop over tags git tag -l | while read -r tag do # get the commit hash of the current tag COMMIT_HASH=$(git rev-list -1 $tag) # get the commit date of the tag and create a new tag using # the tag's name and message. By specifying the environment # environment variable GIT_COMMITTER_DATE before this is # run, we override the default tag date. Note that if you # specify the variable on a different line, it will apply to # the current environment. This isn't desired as probably # don't want your future tags to also have that past date. # Of course, when you close your shell, the variable will no # longer persist. GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(git show $COMMIT_HASH --format=%aD | head -1)" git tag -a -f $tag -m"$tag" $COMMIT_HASH done # Force push tags and overwrite ones on the server with the same name git push --tags --force 
