
众所周知,应用函子在构图下是封闭的,但monad不是。 然而,我一直无法find一个具体的反例,表明monad并不总是构成。

这个答案给出了[String -> a]作为非monad的例子。 在玩了一下之后,我直觉地相信,但是这个答案只是说“连接不能实现”而没有给出任何理由。 我想要更正式的东西。 当然还有很多types为[String -> [String -> a]] -> [String -> a]的函数。 必须表明任何这样的function必然不符合单子法。

任何示例(附带certificate)都可以; 我不一定特别寻找上述例子的certificate。

考虑这个与(Bool ->) monad同构的monad:

 data Pair a = P aa instance Functor Pair where fmap f (P xy) = P (fx) (fy) instance Monad Pair where return x = P xx P ab >>= f = P xy where P x _ = fa P _ y = fb 

并用Maybe monad撰写:

 newtype Bad a = B (Maybe (Pair a)) 



定义满足fmap id = id fmap只有一种方法:

 instance Functor Bad where fmap f (B x) = B $ fmap (fmap f) x 


 (1) join (return x) = x (2) join (fmap return x) = x (3) join (join x) = join (fmap join x) 

对于return x的定义,我们有两个select: B NothingB (Just (P xx)) 。 很显然,为了有从(1)和(2)中返回x任何希望,我们不能丢弃x ,所以我们必须select第二个选项。

 return' :: a -> Bad a return' x = B (Just (P xx)) 

那离开join 。 由于只有less数可能的投入,我们可以为每个情况提供一个案例:

 join :: Bad (Bad a) -> Bad a (A) join (B Nothing) = ??? (B) join (B (Just (P (B Nothing) (B Nothing)))) = ??? (C) join (B (Just (P (B (Just (P x1 x2))) (B Nothing)))) = ??? (D) join (B (Just (P (B Nothing) (B (Just (P x1 x2)))))) = ??? (E) join (B (Just (P (B (Just (P x1 x2))) (B (Just (P x3 x4)))))) = ??? 

由于输出的typesBad a ,唯一的选项是B NothingB (Just (P y1 y2)) ,其中y1y2必须从x1 ... x4select。

在(A)和(B)的情况下,我们没有atypesa值,所以在这两种情况下我们都被迫返回B Nothing


 -- apply (1) to (B (Just (P y1 y2))) join (return' (B (Just (P y1 y2)))) = -- using our definition of return' join (B (Just (P (B (Just (P y1 y2))) (B (Just (P y1 y2)))))) = -- from (1) this should equal B (Just (P y1 y2)) 

为了在(E)的情况下返回B (Just (P y1 y2)) ,这意味着我们必须从x1或者x3selecty1 ,并且从x2或者x4 y2

 -- apply (2) to (B (Just (P y1 y2))) join (fmap return' (B (Just (P y1 y2)))) = -- def of fmap join (B (Just (P (return y1) (return y2)))) = -- def of return join (B (Just (P (B (Just (P y1 y1))) (B (Just (P y2 y2)))))) = -- from (2) this should equal B (Just (P y1 y2)) 

同样,这就表示我们必须从x1x2selecty1 ,并从x3x4 y2 。 结合这两者,我们确定(E)的右边必须是B (Just (P x1 x4))


有5个可能的右侧为每个,没有任何组合工作。 我还没有一个很好的论据,但我有一个程序,详尽地testing所有的组合:

 {-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-} import Control.Monad (guard) data Pair a = P aa deriving (Eq, Show) instance Functor Pair where fmap f (P xy) = P (fx) (fy) instance Monad Pair where return x = P xx P ab >>= f = P xy where P x _ = fa P _ y = fb newtype Bad a = B (Maybe (Pair a)) deriving (Eq, Show) instance Functor Bad where fmap f (B x) = B $ fmap (fmap f) x -- The only definition that could possibly work. unit :: a -> Bad a unit x = B (Just (P xx)) -- Number of possible definitions of join for this type. If this equals zero, no monad for you! joins :: Integer joins = sum $ do -- Try all possible ways of handling cases 3 and 4 in the definition of join below. let ways = [ \_ _ -> B Nothing , \ab -> B (Just (P aa)) , \ab -> B (Just (P ab)) , \ab -> B (Just (P ba)) , \ab -> B (Just (P bb)) ] :: [forall a. a -> a -> Bad a] c3 :: forall a. a -> a -> Bad a <- ways c4 :: forall a. a -> a -> Bad a <- ways let join :: forall a. Bad (Bad a) -> Bad a join (B Nothing) = B Nothing -- no choice join (B (Just (P (B Nothing) (B Nothing)))) = B Nothing -- again, no choice join (B (Just (P (B (Just (P x1 x2))) (B Nothing)))) = c3 x1 x2 join (B (Just (P (B Nothing) (B (Just (P x3 x4)))))) = c4 x3 x4 join (B (Just (P (B (Just (P x1 x2))) (B (Just (P x3 x4)))))) = B (Just (P x1 x4)) -- derived from monad laws -- We've already learnt all we can from these two, but I decided to leave them in anyway. guard $ all (\x -> join (unit x) == x) bad1 guard $ all (\x -> join (fmap unit x) == x) bad1 -- This is the one that matters guard $ all (\x -> join (join x) == join (fmap join x)) bad3 return 1 main = putStrLn $ show joins ++ " combinations work." -- Functions for making all the different forms of Bad values containing distinct Ints. bad1 :: [Bad Int] bad1 = map fst (bad1' 1) bad3 :: [Bad (Bad (Bad Int))] bad3 = map fst (bad3' 1) bad1' :: Int -> [(Bad Int, Int)] bad1' n = [(B Nothing, n), (B (Just (P n (n+1))), n+2)] bad2' :: Int -> [(Bad (Bad Int), Int)] bad2' n = (B Nothing, n) : do (x, n') <- bad1' n (y, n'') <- bad1' n' return (B (Just (P xy)), n'') bad3' :: Int -> [(Bad (Bad (Bad Int)), Int)] bad3' n = (B Nothing, n) : do (x, n') <- bad2' n (y, n'') <- bad2' n' return (B (Just (P xy)), n'') 


 data Thud x = Thud 

return>>=只是去Thud ,法律微不足道。


 data Flip x = Flip Bool x instance Monad Flip where return x = Flip False x Flip False x >>= f = fx Flip True x >>= f = Flip (not b) y where Flip by = fx 


 newtype (:.:) fgx = C (f (gx)) 


 instance Monad (Flip :.: Thud) where -- that's effectively the constant `Bool` functor return x = C (Flip ??? Thud) ... 

参数性告诉我们 不能以任何有用的方式依赖于x ,所以它必须是一个常数。 因此, join . return join . return也是一个不变的function,因此是法律

 join . return = id 



(->) r是每个r一个monad, Either e是每个e一个monad。 让我们定义它们的组成( (->) r里面,或Either e外):

 import Control.Monad newtype Comp rea = Comp { uncomp :: Either e (r -> a) } 

我声称, 如果Comp re是每个re的monad,那么我们就可以实现中间排除的规律 。 这在function语言的types系统的基础之上的直觉主义逻辑中是不可能的(具有被排除中的定律相当于具有调用/ cc算子)。

假设Comp是一个monad。 那我们有

 join :: Comp re (Comp rea) -> Comp rea 


 swap :: (r -> Either ea) -> Either e (r -> a) swap = uncomp . join . Comp . return . liftM (Comp . liftM return) 



 data False -- an empty datatype corresponding to logical false type Neg a = (a -> False) -- corresponds to logical negation 

并专门交换r = be = ba = False

 excludedMiddle :: Either b (Neg b) excludedMiddle = swap Left 

结论:即使(->) rEither r都是单子,它们的组成Comp rr不可能是。

注意:这也反映在ReaderTEitherT是如何定义的。 ReaderT r (Either e)EitherT e (Reader r)都同构于r -> Either ea ! 没有办法如何定义monad的双Either e (r -> a)


涉及到IO的同样的例子有很多,并且导致IO以某种方式逃脱。 例如:

 newtype Comp ra = Comp { uncomp :: IO (r -> a) } swap :: (r -> IO a) -> IO (r -> a) swap = uncomp . join . Comp . return . liftM (Comp . liftM return) 


 main :: IO () main = do let foo True = print "First" >> return 1 foo False = print "Second" >> return 2 f <- swap foo input <- readLn print (f input) 

这个程序运行时会发生什么? 有两种可能性:

  1. 我们从控制台读取input 后,打印出“First”或“Second”,这意味着一系列的动作被颠倒过来 ,而foo的动作逃到了纯粹的f
  2. swap (因此join )抛出IO操作,既不是“第一”也不是“第二”打印。 但这意味着join违反法律

     join . return = id 


     foo ≠ (join . return) foo 

其他类似的IO + monad组合导致构build

 swapEither :: IO (Either ea) -> Either e (IO a) swapWriter :: (Monoid e) => IO (Writer ea) -> Writer e (IO a) swapState :: IO (State ea) -> State e (IO a) ... 


你的链接引用这个数据types,所以让我们尝试select一些具体的实现: data A3 a = A3 (A1 (A2 a))

我会随意挑选A1 = IO, A2 = [] 。 我们也会把它变成新的types,并给它一个特别指出的名字,为了好玩:

newtype ListT IO a = ListT (IO [a])


 λ> let vn = ListT $ do {putStr (show n); return [0, 1]} λ> runListT $ ((v >=> v) >=> v) 0 0010101[0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1] λ> runListT $ (v >=> (v >=> v)) 0 0001101[0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1] 

正如你所看到的,这打破了关联性定律: ∀xy z. (x >=> y) >=> z == x >=> (y >=> z) ∀xy z. (x >=> y) >=> z == x >=> (y >=> z)

事实certificate,如果m是一个交换单子, ListT m只是一个单子。 这可以防止一大类monad与[]合成,这打破了“构成两个任意单子产生单子”的普遍规则。

另请参阅: https : //stackoverflow.com/a/12617918/1769569