


function a { # if $1 is set ? } 


 if [ -z ${var+x} ]; then echo "var is unset"; else echo "var is set to '$var'"; fi 

其中${var+x}是一个参数扩展 ,如果var未设置,那么它的计算结果为空,否则将其replace为stringx


引号可以省略(所以我们可以说${var+x}而不是"${var+x}" ),因为这个语法和用法保证这只会扩展到不需要引号的东西(因为它可以扩展为x (它不包含任何分词,所以不需要引号),或者什么也不做(这导致了[ -z ] ,它便于计算出与[ -z "" ]相同的值(true))。

然而,虽然引号可以被安全地省略,但并不是很明显( 对于这个引用解释的第一作者来说,谁也是一个主要的Bash编码器甚至不是很明显),有时候最好写一个解决scheme与报价为[ -z "${var+x}" ] ,在一个O(1)速度惩罚的可能成本非常小。 第一位作者还在代码旁边添加了这个注释,使用这个解决scheme给出了这个答案的URL,现在还包括解释为什么可以安全地省略引号。


 if [ -z "$var" ]; then echo "var is unset"; else echo "var is set to '$var'"; fi 

这是因为它不区分未设置的variables和设置为空string的variables。 也就是说,如果var='' ,那么上面的解决scheme将错误地输出该var未设置。



 if [ -n "$1" ] 

这与-z相反。 我发现自己使用-n多于-z


 +--------------------+----------------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | | parameter | parameter | parameter | | | Set and Not Null | Set But Null | Unset | +--------------------+----------------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ${parameter:-word} | substitute parameter | substitute word | substitute word | | ${parameter-word} | substitute parameter | substitute null | substitute word | | ${parameter:=word} | substitute parameter | assign word | assign word | | ${parameter=word} | substitute parameter | substitute null | assign word | | ${parameter:?word} | substitute parameter | error, exit | error, exit | | ${parameter?word} | substitute parameter | substitute null | error, exit | | ${parameter:+word} | substitute word | substitute null | substitute null | | ${parameter+word} | substitute word | substitute word | substitute null | +--------------------+----------------------+-----------------+-----------------+ 

来源: POSIX:参数扩展 :

在所有用“替代”显示的情况下,expression式都被replace为显示的值。 在所有用“分配”显示的情况下,参数都被分配了该值,该值也replace了expression式。


 if [ -z "$1" ] 

如果$ 1为空或未设置,则成功

虽然这里陈述的大部分技术都是正确的,但bash 4.2支持对variables( man bash )的存在进行实际testing,而不是testingvariables的值。

 [[ -v foo ]]; echo $? # 1 foo=bar [[ -v foo ]]; echo $? # 0 foo="" [[ -v foo ]]; echo $? # 0 


 if [[ $var ]]; then ... # `$var' expands to a nonempty string 


 if [[ ! $var ]]; then ... # `$var' expands to the empty string (set or not) 


 if [[ ${var+x} ]]; then ... # `var' exists (empty or nonempty) if [[ ${1+x} ]]; then ... # Parameter 1 exists (empty or nonempty) 


 if [[ ! ${var+x} ]]; then ... # `var' is not set at all if [[ ! ${1+x} ]]; then ... # We were called with no arguments 


 if [ ! -v SOMEVARIABLE ] #note the lack of a $ sigil then echo "Variable is unset" elif [ -z "$SOMEVARIABLE" ] then echo "Variable is set to an empty string" else echo "Variable is set to some string" fi 
 if [ "$1" != "" ]; then echo \$1 is set else echo \$1 is not set fi 


 if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then echo \$1 is set else echo \$1 is not set fi 

阅读bash手册页的“Parameter Expansion”部分。 参数扩展不会为所设置的variables提供一般testing,但是如果未设置参数,则可以对参数执行几个操作。


 function a { first_arg=${1-foo} # rest of the function } 

first_arg设置first_arg等于$1如果它被分配,否则它使用值“foo”。 如果绝对必须采用单个参数,并且不存在良好的默认值,则可以在不给出任何参数时退出并显示错误消息:

 function a { : ${1?a must take a single argument} # rest of the function } 


要检查variables是否设置为非空值,请使用[ -n "$x" ] ,如其他人已经指出的那样。

在大多数情况下,最好是像处理一个未设置的variables一样处理一个具有空值的variables。 但是,如果需要: [ -n "${x+set}" ]"${x+set}"扩展为set x设置,如果x未设置则返回空string)。

要检查一个参数是否已经通过,testing$# ,这是传递给函数的参数的数量(或者当不在函数中的时候,就是脚本)(参见Paul的答案 )。


  +----------------------+------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | if VARIABLE is: | set | empty | unset | +----------------------+------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ - | ${VARIABLE-default} | $VARIABLE | "" | "default" | = | ${VARIABLE=default} | $VARIABLE | "" | $(VARIABLE="default") | ? | ${VARIABLE?default} | $VARIABLE | "" | exit 127 | + | ${VARIABLE+default} | "default" | "default" | "" | +----------------------+------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ :- | ${VARIABLE:-default} | $VARIABLE | "default" | "default" | := | ${VARIABLE:=default} | $VARIABLE | $(VARIABLE="default") | $(VARIABLE="default") | :? | ${VARIABLE:?default} | $VARIABLE | exit 127 | exit 127 | :+ | ${VARIABLE:+default} | "default" | "" | "" | +----------------------+------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ 


对于前面的冒号, 空的和未设置的情况是相同的,所以我会尽可能使用那些(即使用:= ,不只是= ,因为空的情况是不一致的)。


  • 设置意味着VARIABLE是非空的( VARIABLE="something"
  • 未设置表示VARIABLE不存在(未unset VARIABLE


  • $VARIABLE表示结果是variables的原始值。
  • "default"表示结果是提供的replacestring。
  • ""表示结果为空(空string)。
  • exit 127意味着脚本停止执行退出代码127。
  • $(VARIABLE="default")表示结果是variables的原始值, 并且提供的replacestring被分配给该variables以备将来使用。

在bash中,你可以在[[ ]]内部使用-v

 #! /bin/bash -u if [[ ! -v SOMEVAR ]]; then SOMEVAR='hello' fi echo $SOMEVAR 


这对我有效。 如果没有设置参数,我希望我的脚本退出并显示错误消息。

 #!/usr/bin/env bash set -o errexit # Get the value and empty validation check all in one VER="${1:?You must pass a version of the format 0.0.0 as the only argument}" 


 peek@peek:~$ ./setver.sh ./setver.sh: line 13: 1: You must pass a version of the format 0.0.0 as the only argument 

仅检查,不退出 – 清空和取消设置无效

如果你只想检查set = VALID或unset / empty = INVALID,试试这个选项。

 TSET="good val" TEMPTY="" unset TUNSET if [ "${TSET:-}" ]; then echo "VALID"; else echo "INVALID";fi # VALID if [ "${TEMPTY:-}" ]; then echo "VALID"; else echo "INVALID";fi # INVALID if [ "${TUNSET:-}" ]; then echo "VALID"; else echo "INVALID";fi # INVALID 


 [ "${TSET:-}" ] && echo "VALID" || echo "INVALID" [ "${TEMPTY:-}" ] && echo "VALID" || echo "INVALID" [ "${TUNSET:-}" ] && echo "VALID" || echo "INVALID" 

只检查,不退出 – 只有空是无效的

这就是问题的答案。 如果你只是想检查set / empty = VALID或unset = INVALID,那么使用这个。

注意,“..- 1}”中的“1”不重要,可以是任何东西(如x)

 TSET="good val" TEMPTY="" unset TUNSET if [ "${TSET+1}" ]; then echo "VALID"; else echo "INVALID";fi # VALID if [ "${TEMPTY+1}" ]; then echo "VALID"; else echo "INVALID";fi # VALID if [ "${TUNSET+1}" ]; then echo "VALID"; else echo "INVALID";fi # INVALID 


 [ "${TSET+1}" ] && echo "VALID" || echo "INVALID" [ "${TEMPTY+1}" ] && echo "VALID" || echo "INVALID" [ "${TUNSET+1}" ] && echo "VALID" || echo "INVALID" 

我把这个答案奉献给@ mklement0(评论),他挑战我准确地回答这个问题。



 function a { if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then echo '$1 is set' fi } 

当Bash选项set -u被启用时,上面的答案不起作用。 另外,它们不是dynamic的,例如,如何testingvariables是否具有名称“dummy”被定义? 尝试这个:

 is_var_defined() { if [ $# -ne 1 ] then echo "Expected exactly one argument: variable name as string, eg, 'my_var'" exit 1 fi # Tricky. Since Bash option 'set -u' may be enabled, we cannot directly test if a variable # is defined with this construct: [ ! -z "$var" ]. Instead, we must use default value # substitution with this construct: [ ! -z "${var:-}" ]. Normally, a default value follows the # operator ':-', but here we leave it blank for empty (null) string. Finally, we need to # substitute the text from $1 as 'var'. This is not allowed directly in Bash with this # construct: [ ! -z "${$1:-}" ]. We need to use indirection with eval operator. # Example: $1="var" # Expansion for eval operator: "[ ! -z \${$1:-} ]" -> "[ ! -z \${var:-} ]" # Code execute: [ ! -z ${var:-} ] eval "[ ! -z \${$1:-} ]" return $? # Pedantic. } 

相关: 在Bash中,如何testingvariables是否在“-u”模式下定义

使用[[ -z "$var" ]]是知道variables是否被设置的最简单的方法,但是这个选项不区分unsetvariables和设置为空string的variables:

  set='' $ [[ -z "$set" ]] && echo "Set" || echo "Unset" Unset $ [[ -z "$unset" ]] && echo "Set" || echo "Unset" Unset 



 [[ $(env | grep "varname=" | wc -l) -eq 1 ]] && echo "Set" || echo "Unset" 

对于参数(例如,检查是否存在参数“$ 5”:

 [[ $# -ge 5 ]] && echo "Set" || echo "Unset" 


 function declare_var { declare -p "$1" &> /dev/null return $? } declare_var "var_name" && echo "Set" || echo "Unset" 


 $# says you the number of positional parameters. declare -p gives you the definition of the variable passed as parameter. If it exists, returns 0, if not, returns 1 and prints an error message. $? gives you the status code of the last executed command. 



 [[ -z "$MY_VAR" ]] && MY_VAR="default" [[ -z "$MY_VAR" ]] && MY_VAR="default" || echo "Variable already set." 


 $var=10 $if ! ${var+false};then echo "is set";else echo "NOT set";fi is set $unset var $if ! ${var+false};then echo "is set";else echo "NOT set";fi NOT set 

所以基本上,如果一个variables被设置,它就变成了“否定所产生的false ”(将被设置为true )。

而且,如果它未被设置,它将变成“否定所得到的true ”(因为空的结果评价为true )(因此将结束为false =“未设置”)。

对于那些正在寻找未设置或空的时候在脚本中set -u

 if [ -z "${var-}" ]; then echo "Must provide var environment variable. Exiting...." exit 1 fi 

常规的[ -z "$var" ]检查将失败, var; unbound variable 如果set -u则为非var; unbound variable ,但如果var var; unbound variable set -u ,则[ -z "${var-}" ] 展开为空string。

 if [[ ${1:+isset} ]] then echo "It was set and not null." >&2 else echo "It was not set or it was null." >&2 fi if [[ ${1+isset} ]] then echo "It was set but might be null." >&2 else echo "It was was not set." >&2 fi 


如果[[$ 1 =“”]]
  回声'$ 1是空白'
  回声'$ 1已满'

为什么这一切? 在$@所有内容都存在于Bash中,但是默认情况下它是空白的,所以test -ztest -n不能帮助你。


如果[$ {#1} = 0]
  回声'$ 1是空白'
  回声'$ 1已满'
 if [[ ${!xx[@]} ]] ; then echo xx is defined; fi 


 if [ "$variable" = "" ] then echo "Variable X is empty" fi 


 if [ ! "$variable" = "" ] then echo "Variable X is not empty" fi 



 # # Check if a variable is set # param1 name of the variable # function is_set() { [[ -n "${1}" ]] && test -n "$(eval "echo "\${${1}+x}"")" } 


 bash-3.00$ myvar="TEST" bash-3.00$ is_set myvar ; echo $? 0 bash-3.00$ mavar="" bash-3.00$ is_set myvar ; echo $? 0 bash-3.00$ unset myvar bash-3.00$ is_set myvar ; echo $? 1 

如果var可以是一个数组,那么[ -z "${var+x}" ]参数replace是不正确的。 要确定在Bash中,您需要使用[ "${#var[@]}" = 0 ]这样的数组语法 ,如下所示。

 is-var-set () { results="\${var+x}=${var+x}\t\${#var[@]}=${#var[@]}" if [ -z "${var+x}" ] && [ "${#var[@]}" = 0 ]; then echo -e "$1: var's unset.\t$results" elif [ -n "${var+x}" ] && [ "${#var[@]}" != 0 ]; then echo -e "$1: var is set. \t$results" else echo -e "$1: Is var set? \t$results" fi unset var # so we don't have to do it everywhere else } 

几乎在所有情况下,他们都同意。 我发现数组方法更精确的唯一情况是variables是位置为0的非空数组(例如,在下面的testing7A中)。 这个不一致来自$var ,简写为${var[0]} ,所以[ -z "${var+x}" ]不检查整个数组。


 unset var; is-var-set 1 # var unset var=''; is-var-set 2 # var[0] set to '' var=foo; is-var-set 3 # var[0] set to 'foo' var=(); is-var-set 4 # var unset (all indices) var=(foo); is-var-set 5 # var[0] set to 'foo' var=([0]=foo); is-var-set 6 # var[0] set to 'foo' var=([1]=foo); is-var-set 7 # var[0] unset, but var[1] set to 'foo' declare -a var; is-var-set 8 # var empty, but declared as an array declare -A var; is-var-set 9 # var empty, but declared as an associative array declare -A var # Because is-var-set() conveniently unsets it var=([xz]=foo); is-var-set A # var[xz] set to 'foo', but var's otherwise empty declare -a var # Demonstrate that Bash knows about var, even when there's declare -A var; is-var-set B # apparently no way to just _check_ its existence 


 1: var's unset. ${var+x}= ${#var[@]}=0 2: var is set. ${var+x}=x ${#var[@]}=1 3: var is set. ${var+x}=x ${#var[@]}=1 4: var's unset. ${var+x}= ${#var[@]}=0 5: var is set. ${var+x}=x ${#var[@]}=1 6: var is set. ${var+x}=x ${#var[@]}=1 7: Is var set? ${var+x}= ${#var[@]}=1 8: var's unset. ${var+x}= ${#var[@]}=0 9: var's unset. ${var+x}= ${#var[@]}=0 A: Is var set? ${var+x}= ${#var[@]}=1 ./foo.sh: line 26: declare: var: cannot convert indexed to associative array B: var's unset. ${var+x}= ${#var[@]}=0 


  • 在大多数情况下, ${var+x}参数扩展语法与${#var[@]}数组语法一样工作,例如检查函数的参数。 这种情况可能会破坏的唯一方法是如果未来版本的Bash添加了一种将数组传递给函数而不将内容转换为单个参数的方法。
  • 数组语法对于元素0设置的非空数组(非关联)是必需的。
  • 这两种语法都不能解释发生了什么,如果declare -a var已经被使用,甚至没有在数组的某个地方分配一个空值。 Bash仍然将案件区分开来(如上面的testingB所示),所以这个答案不是万无一失的。 幸运的是,Bash在运行程序/脚本时将导出的环境variables转换为string,所以任何声明但未设置variables的问题都将被包含到单个脚本中,至less如果它不包含其他脚本。


 set -o noun set if printenv variableName >/dev/null; then # variable is bound to a value else # variable is unbound fi 
 [[ $foo ]] 


 (( ${#foo} )) 


 let ${#foo} 


 declare -p foo 

我喜欢辅助function来隐藏bash的粗糙细节。 在这种情况下,这样做会增加更多(隐藏)的粗糙度:

 # The first ! negates the result (can't use -n to achieve this) # the second ! expands the content of varname (can't do ${$varname}) function IsDeclared_Tricky { local varname="$1" ! [ -z ${!varname+x} ] } 

Because I first had bugs in this implementation (inspired by the answers of Jens and Lionel), I came up with a different solution:

 # Ask for the properties of the variable - fails if not declared function IsDeclared() { declare -p $1 &>/dev/null } 

I find it to be more straight-forward, more bashy and easier to understand/remember. Test case shows it is equivalent:

 function main() { declare -i xyz local foo local bar= local baz='' IsDeclared_Tricky xyz; echo "IsDeclared_Tricky xyz: $?" IsDeclared_Tricky foo; echo "IsDeclared_Tricky foo: $?" IsDeclared_Tricky bar; echo "IsDeclared_Tricky bar: $?" IsDeclared_Tricky baz; echo "IsDeclared_Tricky baz: $?" IsDeclared xyz; echo "IsDeclared xyz: $?" IsDeclared foo; echo "IsDeclared foo: $?" IsDeclared bar; echo "IsDeclared bar: $?" IsDeclared baz; echo "IsDeclared baz: $?" } main 

The test case also shows that local var does NOT declare var (unless followed by '='). For quite some time I thought i declared variables this way, just to discover now that i merely expressed my intention… It's a no-op, i guess.

IsDeclared_Tricky xyz: 1
IsDeclared_Tricky foo: 1
IsDeclared_Tricky bar: 0
IsDeclared_Tricky baz: 0
IsDeclared xyz: 1
IsDeclared foo: 1
IsDeclared bar: 0
IsDeclared baz: 0

BONUS: usecase

I mostly use this test to give (and return) parameters to functions in a somewhat "elegant" and safe way (almost resembling an interface…):

 #auxiliary functions function die() { echo "Error: $1"; exit 1 } function assertVariableDeclared() { IsDeclared "$1" || die "variable not declared: $1" } function expectVariables() { while (( $# > 0 )); do assertVariableDeclared $1; shift done } # actual example function exampleFunction() { expectVariables inputStr outputStr outputStr="$inputStr world!" } function bonus() { local inputStr='Hello' local outputStr= # remove this to trigger error exampleFunction echo $outputStr } bonus 

If called with all requires variables declared:



Error: variable not declared: outputStr

Functions to check if variable is declared/unset

including empty $array=()

The following functions test if the given name exists as a variable

 # The first parameter needs to be the name of the variable to be checked. # (See example below) var_is_declared() { { [[ -n ${!1+anything} ]] || declare -p $1 &>/dev/null;} } var_is_unset() { { [[ -z ${!1+anything} ]] && ! declare -p $1 &>/dev/null;} } 
  • By first testing if the variable is (un)set, the call to declare can be avoided, if not necessary.
  • If however $1 contains the name of an empty $array=() , the call to declare would make sure we get the right result
  • There's never much data passed to /dev/null as declare is only called if either the variable is unset or an empty array.

This functions would test as showed in the following conditions:

 a; # is not declared a=; # is declared a="foo"; # is declared a=(); # is declared a=(""); # is declared unset a; # is not declared a; # is unset a=; # is not unset a="foo"; # is not unset a=(); # is not unset a=(""); # is not unset unset a; # is unset 

For more details

and a test script see my answer to the question "How do I check if a variable exists in bash?" 。

Remark: The similar usage of declare -p , as it is also shown by Peregring-lk 's answer , is truly coincidental. Otherwise I would of course have credited it!

 case "$1" in "") echo "blank";; *) echo "set" esac