
如果我需要Swift中的自定义types,那么我可以inputtypedef ,我该怎么做呢? (类似于一个闭包语法typedef)


 typealias CustomType = String var customString:CustomType = "Test String" 



  /*defines a block that has no input param and with void return and the type is given the name voidInputVoidReturnBlock*/ typealias voidInputVoidReturnBlock = () -> Void var blockVariable :voidInputVoidReturnBlock = { println(" this is a block that has no input param and with void return") } 


  /*defines a block that has input params NSString, NSError! and with void return and the type is given the name completionBlockType*/ typealias completionBlockType = (NSString, NSError!) ->Void var test:completionBlockType = {(string:NSString, error:NSError!) ->Void in println("\(string)") } test("helloooooooo test",nil); /*OUTPUTS "helloooooooo test" IN CONSOLE */