

EquipmentClass name equipment class nameEquipment Class Nameequipment class nameEquipment Class Name

应该全部成为: equipmentClassName



 function camelize(str) { return str.replace(/(?:^\w|[AZ]|\b\w)/g, function(letter, index) { return index == 0 ? letter.toLowerCase() : letter.toUpperCase(); }).replace(/\s+/g, ''); } camelize("EquipmentClass name"); camelize("Equipment className"); camelize("equipment class name"); camelize("Equipment Class Name"); // all output "equipmentClassName" 


 function camelize(str) { return str.replace(/(?:^\w|[AZ]|\b\w|\s+)/g, function(match, index) { if (+match === 0) return ""; // or if (/\s+/.test(match)) for white spaces return index == 0 ? match.toLowerCase() : match.toUpperCase(); }); } 


 String.prototype.toCamelCase = function(str) { return str .replace(/\s(.)/g, function($1) { return $1.toUpperCase(); }) .replace(/\s/g, '') .replace(/^(.)/, function($1) { return $1.toLowerCase(); }); } 

我试图避免将多个replace语句链接在一起。 在我的function$ 1,$ 2,$ 3的东西。 但是这种types的分组是很难理解的,你提到的跨浏览器问题是我从来没有想过的。


 String.prototype.toCamelCase = function() { return this.replace(/^([AZ])|\s(\w)/g, function(match, p1, p2, offset) { if (p2) return p2.toUpperCase(); return p1.toLowerCase(); }); }; 'EquipmentClass name'.toCamelCase() // -> equipmentClassName 'Equipment className'.toCamelCase() // -> equipmentClassName 'equipment class name'.toCamelCase() // -> equipmentClassName 'Equipment Class Name'.toCamelCase() // -> equipmentClassName 



 'hyphen-name-format'.toCamelCase() // -> hyphenNameFormat 'underscore_name_format'.toCamelCase() // -> underscoreNameFormat 
 function toCamelCase(str) { // Lower cases the string return str.toLowerCase() // Replaces any - or _ characters with a space .replace( /[-_]+/g, ' ') // Removes any non alphanumeric characters .replace( /[^\w\s]/g, '') // Uppercases the first character in each group immediately following a space // (delimited by spaces) .replace( / (.)/g, function($1) { return $1.toUpperCase(); }) // Removes spaces .replace( / /g, '' ); } 

我试图find一个JavaScript函数来camelCasestring,并希望确保特殊字符将被删除(我不知道什么是上面的一些答案)。 这是基于cc young的回答,增加了评论和删除了$ peci&l字符。


 function toCamelCase(str){ return str.split(' ').map(function(word,index){ // If it is the first word make sure to lowercase all the chars. if(index == 0){ return word.toLowerCase(); } // If it is not the first word only upper case the first char and lowercase the rest. return word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1).toLowerCase(); }).join(''); } 

如果有人使用lodash ,则有一个_.camelCase()函数。

 _.camelCase('Foo Bar'); // → 'fooBar' _.camelCase('--foo-bar--'); // → 'fooBar' _.camelCase('__FOO_BAR__'); // → 'fooBar' 

如果不需要regexp,你可能想看看我以前很久以前用于Twinkle的代码 :

 String.prototype.toUpperCaseFirstChar = function() { return this.substr( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + this.substr( 1 ); } String.prototype.toLowerCaseFirstChar = function() { return this.substr( 0, 1 ).toLowerCase() + this.substr( 1 ); } String.prototype.toUpperCaseEachWord = function( delim ) { delim = delim ? delim : ' '; return this.split( delim ).map( function(v) { return v.toUpperCaseFirstChar() } ).join( delim ); } String.prototype.toLowerCaseEachWord = function( delim ) { delim = delim ? delim : ' '; return this.split( delim ).map( function(v) { return v.toLowerCaseFirstChar() } ).join( delim ); } 


 return "hello world".toLowerCase().replace(/(?:(^.)|(\s+.))/g, function(match) { return match.charAt(match.length-1).toUpperCase(); }); // HelloWorld 


 var _ = require('lodash'); var result = _.camelCase('toto-ce héros') // result now contains "totoCeHeros" 



 const camelCase = str => { let string = str.toLowerCase().replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, ' ').split(' ') .reduce((result, word) => result + capitalize(word.toLowerCase())) return string.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + string.slice(1) } const capitalize = str => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.toLowerCase().slice(1) let baz = 'foo bar' let camel = camelCase(baz) console.log(camel) // "fooBar" camelCase('foo bar') // "fooBar" camelCase('FOO BAR') // "fooBar" camelCase('x nN foo bar') // "xNnFooBar" camelCase('!--foo-¿?-bar--121-**%') // "fooBar121" 


 var toCamelCase = function(str){
     .replace(/ ['“] / g,'')
     .replace(/ \ W + / g,'')
     .replace(/(。)/ g,function($ 1){return $ 1.toUpperCase();})
     .replace(/ / g,'');


 toCamelCase = (string) -> string .replace /[\s|_|-](.)/g, ($1) -> $1.toUpperCase() .replace /[\s|_|-]/g, '' .replace /^(.)/, ($1) -> $1.toLowerCase() 

现在它也取代了“ – ”和“_”。


 String.prototype.toCamelCase = function() { return this.replace(/[^az ]/ig, '') // Replace everything but letters and spaces. .replace(/(?:^\w|[AZ]|\b\w|\s+)/g, // Find non-words, uppercase letters, leading-word letters, and multiple spaces. function(match, index) { return +match === 0 ? "" : match[index === 0 ? 'toLowerCase' : 'toUpperCase'](); }); } String.toCamelCase = function(str) { return str.toCamelCase(); } var testCases = [ "equipment class name", "equipment class Name", "equipment Class name", "equipment Class Name", "Equipment class name", "Equipment class Name", "Equipment Class name", "Equipment Class Name", "equipment className", "equipment ClassName", "Equipment ClassName", "equipmentClass name", "equipmentClass Name", "EquipmentClass Name" ]; for (var i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) { console.log(testCases[i].toCamelCase()); }; 


 String.prototype.toCamelCase = function(){ return this.replace(/\s(\w)/ig, function(all, letter){return letter.toUpperCase();}) .replace(/(^\w)/, function($1){return $1.toLowerCase()}); }; console.log('Equipment className'.toCamelCase()); 


 String.prototype.camelCase = function(){ var newString = ''; var lastEditedIndex; for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++){ if(this[i] == ' ' || this[i] == '-' || this[i] == '_'){ newString += this[i+1].toUpperCase(); lastEditedIndex = i+1; } else if(lastEditedIndex !== i) newString += this[i].toLowerCase(); } return newString; } 

这build立在CMS的答案上,通过删除任何非字母字符, 包括下划线, \w不会删除。

 function toLowerCamelCase(str) { return str.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, ' ').replace(/^\w|[AZ]|\b\w|\s+/g, function (match, index) { if (+match === 0 || match === '-' || match === '.' ) { return ""; // or if (/\s+/.test(match)) for white spaces } return index === 0 ? match.toLowerCase() : match.toUpperCase(); }); } toLowerCamelCase("EquipmentClass name"); toLowerCamelCase("Equipment className"); toLowerCamelCase("equipment class name"); toLowerCamelCase("Equipment Class Name"); toLowerCamelCase("Equipment-Class-Name"); toLowerCamelCase("Equipment_Class_Name"); toLowerCamelCase("Equipment.Class.Name"); toLowerCamelCase("Equipment/Class/Name"); // All output e 


 'TestString'.split('').reduce((t, v, k) => t + (k === 0 ? v.toLowerCase() : v), ''); 


 function toCamelCase(str) { const [first, ...acc] = str.replace(/[^\w\d]/g, ' ').split(/\s+/); return first.toLowerCase() + acc.map(x => x.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + x.slice(1).toLowerCase()).join(''); } 


  • Size (comparative) => Size (comparative)
  • GDP (official exchange rate) => gdpOfficialExchangeRate
  • hello => hello

基本的做法是用正则expression式匹配大写或空格来分割string。 然后你把胶片粘在一起。 窍门将处理正则expression式分裂在浏览器中被破坏/奇怪的各种方式。 有一个图书馆或者某人写了一些东西来解决这些问题。 我会找的。

这里的链接: http : //blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/cross-browser-split

编辑 :现在在IE8中没有任何改变。

编辑 :我在什么camelCase实际上是less数(主要字符小写与大写。)。 整个社会认为一个大小写是骆驼案件,一个领先的资本是pascal案件。 我创build了两个函数,只使用正则expression式模式。 :)所以我们使用统一的词汇,我改变了我的立场,以配合大多数。


 var camel = " THIS is camel case " camel = $.trim(camel) .replace(/[^A-Za-z]/g,' ') /* clean up non-letter characters */ .replace(/(.)/g, function(a, l) { return l.toLowerCase(); }) .replace(/(\s.)/g, function(a, l) { return l.toUpperCase(); }) .replace(/[^A-Za-z\u00C0-\u00ff]/g,''); // Returns "thisIsCamelCase" 


 var pascal = " this IS pascal case " pascal = $.trim(pascal) .replace(/[^A-Za-z]/g,' ') /* clean up non-letter characters */ .replace(/(.)/g, function(a, l) { return l.toLowerCase(); }) .replace(/(^.|\s.)/g, function(a, l) { return l.toUpperCase(); }) .replace(/[^A-Za-z\u00C0-\u00ff]/g,''); // Returns "ThisIsPascalCase" 

在函数中:你会注意到,在这些函数中,replace是用空格和空string交换任何非az。 这是为大写创build字边界。 “Hello-MY#world” – >“HelloMyWorld”

 // remove \u00C0-\u00ff] if you do not want the extended letters like é function toCamelCase(str) { var retVal = ''; retVal = $.trim(str) .replace(/[^A-Za-z]/g, ' ') /* clean up non-letter characters */ .replace(/(.)/g, function (a, l) { return l.toLowerCase(); }) .replace(/(\s.)/g, function (a, l) { return l.toUpperCase(); }) .replace(/[^A-Za-z\u00C0-\u00ff]/g, ''); return retVal } function toPascalCase(str) { var retVal = ''; retVal = $.trim(str) .replace(/[^A-Za-z]/g, ' ') /* clean up non-letter characters */ .replace(/(.)/g, function (a, l) { return l.toLowerCase(); }) .replace(/(^.|\s.)/g, function (a, l) { return l.toUpperCase(); }) .replace(/[^A-Za-z\u00C0-\u00ff]/g, ''); return retVal } 


  • 为了便于阅读,我离开了A-ZA-Z,并将大小写不敏感标志(i)添加到模式(/ [^ AZ] / ig)。
  • 这在IE8 (srsly,谁使用IE8了)工作。使用(F12)开发工具我已经在IE11,IE10,IE9,IE8,IE7和IE5testing。 适用于所有文档模式。
  • 这将正确地处理以空白或不以空格开头的string的第一个字母。


 function convertStringToCamelCase(str){ return str.split(' ').map(function(item, index){ return index !== 0 ? item.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + item.substr(1) : item.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + item.substr(1); }).join(''); }