


 sbt -Dconfig.resource=../application.conf "runMain akka.Main com.my.main.Actor" 

无论fork是否为true,是否将它放在SBT_OPTS ,或者如何将其传入,我都无法完成此操作。 我不熟悉在build中定义的默认值时,在命令行设置设置值吗? 并设置系统属性与“sbt运行”,但既不回答我的问题。

其他问题似乎表明,您甚至无法在SBT中轻松查看Java调用参数。 任何帮助表示赞赏。


 sbt '; set javaOptions += "-Dconfig.resource=../application.conf" ; runMain akka.Main com.my.main.Actor' 



你可以使用envVars设置。 不过,我不确定SBT有多么地道。

 > help envVars Environment variables used when forking a new JVM 

以下(非常简约) build.sbt工作正常。

 fork := true envVars := Map("msg" -> "hello") 


 > help set set [every] <setting-expression> Applies the given setting to the current project: 1) Constructs the expression provided as an argument by compiling and loading it. 2) Appends the new setting to the current project's settings. 3) Re-evaluates the build's settings. This command does not rebuild the build definitions, plugins, or configurations. It does not automatically persist the setting(s) either. To persist the setting(s), run 'session save' or 'session save-all'. If 'every' is specified, the setting is evaluated in the current context and the resulting value is used in every scope. This overrides the value bound to the key everywhere. 


 $ sbt run [info] Set current project to fork-testing (in build file:/C:/dev/sandbox/fork-testing/) [info] Running Hello [info] hello 


 $ sbt 'set envVars := Map("msg" -> "Hello, Chad")' run [info] Set current project to fork-testing (in build file:/C:/dev/sandbox/fork-testing/) [info] Defining *:envVars [info] The new value will be used by *:runner, compile:run::runner and 1 others. [info] Run `last` for details. [info] Reapplying settings... [info] Set current project to fork-testing (in build file:/C:/dev/sandbox/fork-testing/) [info] Running Hello [info] Hello, Chad 


 $ sbt 'set envVars := Map("msg" -> "Hello, Chad")' 'runMain Hello' [info] Set current project to fork-testing (in build file:/C:/dev/sandbox/fork-testing/) [info] Defining *:envVars [info] The new value will be used by *:runner, compile:run::runner and 1 others. [info] Run `last` for details. [info] Reapplying settings... [info] Set current project to fork-testing (in build file:/C:/dev/sandbox/fork-testing/) [info] Running Hello [info] Hello, Chad 

如果你正在尝试设置SBT属性,比如插件设置,那么根据我的经验,上述内容将不起作用(AFAICT)。 但是,在尝试从我们的CI框架传递Liquibase设置(如密码)时,下面的工作是有效的。


丑陋,但提供默认值,并可选地从System.properties中获取 。 这样你就可以覆盖你的默认和覆盖的情况。

 def sysPropOrDefault(propName:String,default:String):String = Option(System.getProperty(propName)).getOrElse(default) liquibaseUsername := sysPropOrDefault("liquibase.username","change_me") liquibasePassword := sysPropOrDefault("liquibase.password","chuck(\)orris") 


现在只需要像使用Maven或其他JVM程序那样通过-Dprop=value覆盖。 注意道具在SBT任务之前出现。

sbt -Dliquibase.password="shh" -Dliquibase.username="bob" liquibase:liquibase-update