使用rspec-railstestingfile upload

我想testing一个file upload在rails中,但不知道如何做到这一点。


def uploadLicense #Create the license object @license = License.create(params[:license]) #Get Session ID sessid = session[:session_id] puts "\n\nSession_id:\n#{sessid}\n" #Generate a random string chars = ("a".."z").to_a + ("A".."Z").to_a + ("0".."9").to_a newpass = "" 1.upto(5) { |i| newpass << chars[rand(chars.size-1)] } #Get the original file name upload=params[:upload] name = upload['datafile'].original_filename @license.format = File.extname(name) #calculate license ID and location @license.location = './public/licenses/' + sessid + newpass + name #Save the license file #Fileupload.save(params[:upload], @license.location) File.open(@license.location, "wb") { |f| f.write(upload['datafile'].read) } #Set license ID @license.license_id = sessid + newpass #Save the license @license.save redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @license.id end 


 it "can upload a license and download a license" do file = File.new(Rails.root + 'app/controllers/lic.xml') license = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new license[:datafile] = file info = {:id => 4} post :uploadLicense, {:license => info, :upload => license} end 

如何使用rspec模拟file upload?

您可以使用fixture_file_upload方法来testingfile upload:将testing文件放入“{Rails.root} / spec / fixtures / files”目录

 before :each do @file = fixture_file_upload('files/test_lic.xml', 'text/xml') end it "can upload a license" do post :uploadLicense, :upload => @file response.should be_success end 

如果您希望以params ['upload'] ['datafile']的forms获取文件

 it "can upload a license" do file = Hash.new file['datafile'] = @file post :uploadLicense, :upload => file response.should be_success end 

我不确定是否可以单独使用RSpectestingfile upload。 你尝试过水豚吗?

从请求规范中使用attach_fileattach_file方法testingfile upload是很容易的。


 it "can upload a license" do visit upload_license_path attach_file "uploadLicense", /path/to/file/to/upload click_button "Upload License" end it "can download an uploaded license" do visit license_path click_link "Download Uploaded License" page.should have_content("Uploaded License") end 

如果您包含Rack :: Test *,只需包含testing方法即可

 describe "my test set" do include Rack::Test::Methods 


 post "/upload/", "file" => Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new("path/to/file.ext", "mime/type") 


我没有使用RSpec这样做,但我有一个testing::unit testing,做了类似的上传照片。 我将上传的文件设置为ActionDispatch :: Http :: UploadedFile的一个实例,如下所示:

 test "should create photo" do setup_file_upload assert_difference('Photo.count') do post :create, :photo => @photo.attributes end assert_redirected_to photo_path(assigns(:photo)) end def setup_file_upload test_photo = ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile.new({ :filename => 'test_photo_1.jpg', :type => 'image/jpeg', :tempfile => File.new("#{Rails.root}/test/fixtures/files/test_photo_1.jpg") }) @photo = Photo.new( :title => 'Uploaded photo', :description => 'Uploaded photo description', :filename => test_photo, :public => true) end 



 describe "my test set" do include Rack::Test::Methods include ActionDispatch::TestProcess