带参数的PHP array_filter


function lower_than_10($i) { return ($i < 10); } 


 $arr = array(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13); $new_arr = array_filter($arr, 'lower_than_10'); 

我怎样才能将参数添加到lower_than_10,以便它也接受检查的号码? 就像,如果我有这个:

 function lower_than($i, $num) { return ($i < $num); } 

如何从array_filter调用它传递10到$ num或任何数字?

作为使用闭包的 @ Charles 解决scheme的替代scheme ,您实际上可以在文档页面的注释中find一个示例。 这个想法是你创build一个具有所需状态( $num )和callback方法(以$i为参数)的对象:

 class LowerThanFilter { private $num; function __construct($num) { $this->num = $num; } function isLower($i) { return $i < $this->num; } } 

用法( 演示 ):

 $arr = array(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13); $matches = array_filter($arr, array(new LowerThanFilter(12), 'isLower')); print_r($matches); 

作为一个旁注,你现在可以用一个更通用的NumericComparisonFilterreplaceLowerThanFilter ,像isLowerisGreaterisEqual等方法。只是一个想法和演示 …

如果你使用php 5.3及以上版本,你可以使用closure来简化你的代码:

 $NUM = 5; $items = array(1, 4, 5, 8, 0, 6); $filteredItems = array_filter($items, function($elem) use($NUM){ return $elem < $NUM; }); 

在PHP 5.3或更高版本中,您可以使用闭包 :

 function create_lower_than($number = 10) { // The "use" here binds $number to the function at declare time. // This means that whenever $number appears inside the anonymous // function, it will have the value it had when the anonymous // function was declared. return function($test) use($number) { return $test < $number; }; } // We created this with a ten by default. Let's test. $lt_10 = create_lower_than(); var_dump($lt_10(9)); // True var_dump($lt_10(10)); // False var_dump($lt_10(11)); // False // Let's try a specific value. $lt_15 = create_lower_than(15); var_dump($lt_15(13)); // True var_dump($lt_15(14)); // True var_dump($lt_15(15)); // False var_dump($lt_15(16)); // False // The creation of the less-than-15 hasn't disrupted our less-than-10: var_dump($lt_10(9)); // Still true var_dump($lt_10(10)); // Still false var_dump($lt_10(11)); // Still false // We can simply pass the anonymous function anywhere that a // 'callback' PHP type is expected, such as in array_filter: $arr = array(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13); $new_arr = array_filter($arr, $lt_10); print_r($new_arr); 


 class LowerThanFilter { private $num; public function __construct($num) { $this->num = $num; } public function isLower($i) { return $i < $this->num; } function __invoke($i) { return $this->isLower($i); } } 


 $arr = array(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13); $matches = array_filter($arr, new LowerThanFilter(12)); print_r($matches); 


 $r = array_filter($anArray, function($anElement) use ($a, $b, $c){ //function body where you may use $anElement, $a, $b and $c }); 
 class ArraySearcher{ const OPERATOR_EQUALS = '=='; const OPERATOR_GREATERTHAN = '>'; const OPERATOR_LOWERTHAN = '<'; const OPERATOR_NOT = '!='; private $_field; private $_operation; private $_val; public function __construct($field,$operation,$num) { $this->_field = $field; $this->_operation = $operation; $this->_val = $num; } function __invoke($i) { switch($this->_operation){ case '==': return $i[$this->_field] == $this->_val; break; case '>': return $i[$this->_field] > $this->_val; break; case '<': return $i[$this->_field] < $this->_val; break; case '!=': return $i[$this->_field] != $this->_val; break; } } } 

这使您可以筛选multidimensional array中的项目:

 $users = array(); $users[] = array('email' => 'user1@email.com','name' => 'Robert'); $users[] = array('email' => 'user2@email.com','name' => 'Carl'); $users[] = array('email' => 'user3@email.com','name' => 'Robert'); //Print all users called 'Robert' print_r( array_filter($users, new ArraySearcher('name',ArraySearcher::OPERATOR_EQUALS,'Robert')) );