咕噜 – 得到“本地Npm模块”xxx“没有find。 是否安装?“这是什么原因造成的?

我刚刚收到一个咕噜包的副本工作,但我是新来的咕噜,并无法find答案的几件事情。 最大的问题是不知道下面的错误来自哪里 – 有人可以告诉我这是从哪里来的? 这两个文件都在同一个目录中。

$ grunt >> Local Npm module "grunt-contrib-clean" not found. Is it installed? >> Local Npm module "grunt-contrib-concat" not found. Is it installed? >> Local Npm module "grunt-contrib-copy" not found. Is it installed? >> Local Npm module "grunt-contrib-cssmin" not found. Is it installed? >> Local Npm module "grunt-contrib-handlebars" not found. Is it installed? >> Local Npm module "grunt-contrib-jshint" not found. Is it installed? >> Local Npm module "grunt-contrib-qunit" not found. Is it installed? >> Local Npm module "grunt-contrib-uglify" not found. Is it installed? >> Local Npm module "grunt-preprocess" not found. Is it installed? >> Local Npm module "grunt-wrap" not found. Is it installed? >> Local Npm module "grunt-debug-task" not found. Is it installed? Warning: Task "clean" not found. Use --force to continue. Aborted due to warning. $ 


 { "name": "baked-widget", "srcDirectory": "./src", "srcJavascript": "./src/js", "srcCss": "./src/css", "srcData": "./src/data", "testDirectory": "./test", "tgtDirectory": "./build", "installDirectory": "../com/public/widgets", "version": "4.2.0", "devDependencies": { "grunt": "~0.4", "grunt-contrib-clean": "~0.4.0", "grunt-contrib-concat": "~0.3.0", "grunt-contrib-copy": "~0.5.0", "grunt-contrib-cssmin": "~0.9.0", "grunt-contrib-handlebars": "~0.6", "grunt-contrib-jshint": "~0.8", "grunt-contrib-uglify": "~0.3", "grunt-contrib-qunit": "~0.4", "grunt-contrib-watch": "~0.5", "grunt-preprocess": "~4.0", "grunt-wrap": "~0.3", "grunt-debug-task": "~0.1.4" } } 

你可能还没有在本地安装必要的软件包。 尝试npm installsudo npm install ),以确保你做到了。


  1. 删除node_modules文件夹(或在某处备份)

  2. 然后运行npm install



curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s稳定

