将MySQL架构转换成Github Wiki?
我正在使用GitHub Wiki页面logging项目,现在我想将MySQL数据库模式导出为markdown格式。 有没有办法将CLI输出转换成GitHub Wiki md? 理想的表格。
这段代码很长。 我道歉。 它由两个存储过程组成。 你可能会满意地跑第一个。 第二个使用第一个输出(表中第一个数据)。 你也可能希望将代码合并成一个。 但我把他们分开。 第二个存储过程产生类似于describe myTable
的输出。 但它执行它的数据库中的所有表您需要这样的输出。
我创build一个单独的数据库,并且代码通过名称显式引用该数据库中的表。 所以,如果你有这个存储过程的EXECUTE
特权,你可以从任何当前的数据库运行它。 因此,作为一个简单的testing,不要将报告数据库设置为当前数据库,而只需通过名称调用存储过程(使用报告数据库名称进行限定)。 这全部显示在下面的testing块中。
CREATE SCHEMA Reporting101a; -- See **Note1** DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `Reporting101a`.`describeTables_v2a`; DELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `Reporting101a`.`describeTables_v2a`( IN dbName varchar(100), -- the dbname to report table structures OUT theSession int, -- OUT parameter for session# assigned IN deleteSessionRows BOOL, -- true for delete rows when done from main reporting table for this session# IN callTheSecondStoredProc BOOL -- TRUE = output is from Pretty output in Second Stored Proc. FALSE= not so pretty output ) BEGIN DECLARE thisTable CHAR(100); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS Reporting101a.tOutput; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Reporting101a.tOutput ( id int auto_increment primary key, tblName varchar(100) not null, ordVal int not null, cField varchar(100) not null, cType varchar(100) not null, cNull varchar(100) not null, cKey varchar(100) not null, cDefault varchar(100) null, cExtra varchar(100) null ); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS Reporting101a.tOutput2; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Reporting101a.tOutput2 ( tblName varchar(100) primary key, colCount int not null, cFieldMaxLen int not null, cTypeMaxLen int not null, cNullMaxLen int not null, cKeyMaxLen int not null, cDefaultMaxLen int not null, cExtraMaxLen int not null ); INSERT Reporting101a.tOutput(tblName,ordVal,cField,cType,cNull,cKey,cDefault,cExtra) SELECT TABLE_NAME,ORDINAL_POSITION,COLUMN_NAME AS Field, COLUMN_TYPE AS TYPE, RPAD(IS_NULLABLE,4,' ') AS 'Null', RPAD(COLUMN_KEY,3,' ') AS 'Key',RPAD(COLUMN_DEFAULT,7,' ') AS 'DEFAULT',EXTRA AS Extra FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = dbName ORDER BY table_name,ordinal_position; -- select * from information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = '57security' order by table_name,ordinal_position; UPDATE Reporting101a.tOutput SET cExtra=' ' WHERE cExtra=''; UPDATE Reporting101a.tOutput SET cField=RPAD(cField,5,' ') WHERE LENGTH(cField)<5; INSERT Reporting101a.tOutput2(tblName,colCount,cFieldMaxLen,cTypeMaxLen,cNullMaxLen,cKeyMaxLen,cDefaultMaxLen,cExtraMaxLen) SELECT tblName,COUNT(*),0,0,0,0,0,0 FROM Reporting101a.tOutput GROUP BY tblName; UPDATE tOutput2 t2 JOIN ( SELECT tblName,MAX(LENGTH(cField)) AS mField,MAX(LENGTH(cType)) AS mType,MAX(LENGTH(cNull)) AS mNull, IFNULL(MAX(LENGTH(cKey)),0) AS mKey,IFNULL(MAX(LENGTH(cDefault)),0) AS mDefault,IFNULL(MAX(LENGTH(cExtra)),0) AS mExtra FROM Reporting101a.tOutput GROUP BY tblName ) x ON x.tblName=t2.tblName SET t2.cFieldMaxLen=x.mField,t2.cTypeMaxLen=x.mType,cNullMaxLen=x.mNull, cKeyMaxLen=x.mKey,cDefaultMaxLen=x.mDefault,cExtraMaxLen=x.mExtra; -- DROP TABLE Reporting101a.reportDataDefsSession; -- useful for quick change of structure of table -- note, keep above drop call remmed out ! Just use it for quick tweaks to structure CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Reporting101a.reportDataDefsSession ( -- for the sole purpose of safe session auto_inc usage -- Please don't delete unless you want the sessions to experience aberant behavior sessionId INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, dummy CHAR(1) NOT NULL, creationDT datetime not null ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Reporting101a.reportDataDefs ( sessionId INT NOT NULL, tblName VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, -- Tablename ordVal INT NOT NULL, -- the "position number" of the Column cField VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, -- The Column cType VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, -- Datatype cNull VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, -- Nullability cKey VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, -- Key info cDefault VARCHAR(100) NULL, -- Default value cExtra VARCHAR(100) NULL, -- Extra output colCount INT NOT NULL, -- the columns here and below are de-normalize data cFieldMaxLen INT NOT NULL, cTypeMaxLen INT NOT NULL, cNullMaxLen INT NOT NULL, cKeyMaxLen INT NOT NULL, cDefaultMaxLen INT NOT NULL, cExtraMaxLen INT NOT NULL ); -- For lack of a better notion, we are calling calls "sessions". The programmer calls the -- First Stored Proc, and we call that a session after we get a unique next incrementing number. -- That number is the session #. House all output with that as a column value. This allows us to -- move between stored procs, have safe output, have historical snapshots, and retain the data -- via a session # for later use, whatever use. INSERT Reporting101a.reportDataDefsSession(dummy,creationDT) VALUES ('X',now()); SET @mySession=LAST_INSERT_ID(); -- there it is, our session # (read the above paragraph) INSERT Reporting101a.reportDataDefs(sessionId,tblName,ordVal,cField,cType,cNull,cKey,cDefault,cExtra, colCount,cFieldMaxLen,cTypeMaxLen,cNullMaxLen,cKeyMaxLen,cDefaultMaxLen,cExtraMaxLen) SELECT @mySession,t1.tblName,t1.ordVal,t1.cField,t1.cType,t1.cNull,t1.cKey,t1.cDefault,t1.cExtra, t2.colCount,t2.cFieldMaxLen,t2.cTypeMaxLen,t2.cNullMaxLen,t2.cKeyMaxLen,t2.cDefaultMaxLen,t2.cExtraMaxLen FROM Reporting101a.tOutput t1 JOIN Reporting101a.tOutput2 t2 ON t2.tblName=t1.tblName ORDER BY t1.tblName,t1.id; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE Reporting101a.tOutput; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE Reporting101a.tOutput2; SET theSession=@mySession; -- the OUT var that came in as a parameter -- *************************************************************************** -- *************************************************************************** -- Label "Some_Sort_of_Output": IF callTheSecondStoredProc=TRUE THEN -- The caller says to call the second stored proc (for Pretty Printing) -- This will generate output similar to `DESCRIBE myTable` -- But remember, it will do it for EVERY table in referenced database CALL Reporting101a.`Print_Tables_Like_Describe`(@mySession); -- The above call just gave you output. ELSE -- The caller chose to not auto call the Pretty Printing second stored procedure. -- Note, the caller can easily call it right after using the OUT parameter. -- So our output will be a resultset of out reportDataDefs table for this session # SELECT * FROM Reporting101a.reportDataDefs WHERE sessionId=@mySession ORDER BY tblName,ordVal; END IF; -- *************************************************************************** -- *************************************************************************** IF deleteSessionRows=TRUE THEN -- The caller says output rows are NOT needed at this point. Delete them. -- Note, if this boolean comes in TRUE, you can't call Pretty Printing -- second stored procedure with the session # because the data is gone. -- -- Regardless, you are getting something back from "Some_Sort_of_Output" above. DELETE FROM Reporting101a.reportDataDefs WHERE sessionId=@mySession; END IF; END$$ DELIMITER ; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `Reporting101a`.`Print_Tables_Like_Describe`; DELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `Reporting101a`.`Print_Tables_Like_Describe`( pSessionId INT ) BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE curTable VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT ''; DECLARE bFirst BOOL DEFAULT TRUE; DECLARE lv_tblName,lv_cField,lv_cType,lv_cNull,lv_cKey,lv_cDefault,lv_cExtra VARCHAR(100); DECLARE lv_ordVal,lv_colCount,lv_cFieldMaxLen,lv_cTypeMaxLen,lv_cNullMaxLen,lv_cKeyMaxLen,lv_cDefaultMaxLen,lv_cExtraMaxLen INT; DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT tblName,ordVal,cField,cType,cNull,cKey,cDefault,cExtra, colCount,cFieldMaxLen,cTypeMaxLen,cNullMaxLen,cKeyMaxLen,cDefaultMaxLen,cExtraMaxLen FROM Reporting101a.reportDataDefs WHERE sessionId=pSessionId ORDER BY tblName,ordVal; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE; -- Please note in the above, CURSOR stuff must come last else "Error 1337: Variable or condition decl aft curs" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Reporting101a.reportOutput ( lineNum INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, sessionId INT NOT NULL, lineOut varchar(100) NOT NULL ); -- INSERT Reporting101a.reportOutput(sessionId,lineOut) -- SELECT -- SET curTable=''; DELETE FROM Reporting101a.reportOutput WHERE sessionId=pSessionId; OPEN cur1; read_loop: LOOP FETCH cur1 INTO lv_tblName,lv_ordVal,lv_cField,lv_cType,lv_cNull,lv_cKey,lv_cDefault,lv_cExtra, lv_colCount,lv_cFieldMaxLen,lv_cTypeMaxLen,lv_cNullMaxLen,lv_cKeyMaxLen,lv_cDefaultMaxLen,lv_cExtraMaxLen ; IF done THEN LEAVE read_loop; END IF; IF lv_tblName<>curTable THEN IF bFirst=FALSE THEN INSERT Reporting101a.reportOutput(sessionId,lineOut) SELECT pSessionId,''; ELSE SET bFirst=FALSE; END IF; INSERT Reporting101a.reportOutput(sessionId,lineOut) SELECT pSessionId,lv_tblName; INSERT Reporting101a.reportOutput(sessionId,lineOut) SELECT pSessionId,CONCAT('+-', REPEAT('-',GREATEST(5,lv_cFieldMaxLen)), '-+-', REPEAT('-',GREATEST(4,lv_cTypeMaxLen)), '-+-', REPEAT('-',GREATEST(4,lv_cNullMaxLen)), '-+-', REPEAT('-',GREATEST(3,lv_cKeyMaxLen)), '-+-', REPEAT('-',GREATEST(7,lv_cDefaultMaxLen)), '-+-', REPEAT('-',GREATEST(5,lv_cExtraMaxLen)), '-+'); SET @dashLineNumRow=LAST_INSERT_ID(); INSERT Reporting101a.reportOutput(sessionId,lineOut) SELECT pSessionId,CONCAT('| ', 'Field', REPEAT(' ',GREATEST(0,lv_cFieldMaxLen-5)), ' | ', 'Type', REPEAT(' ',GREATEST(0,lv_cTypeMaxLen-4)), ' | ', 'Null', REPEAT(' ',GREATEST(0,lv_cNullMaxLen-4)), ' | ', 'Key', REPEAT(' ',GREATEST(0,lv_cKeyMaxLen-3)), ' | ', 'Default', REPEAT(' ',GREATEST(0,lv_cDefaultMaxLen-7)), ' | ', 'Extra', REPEAT(' ',GREATEST(0,lv_cExtraMaxLen-5)), ' |'); INSERT Reporting101a.reportOutput(sessionId,lineOut) SELECT pSessionId,lineOut FROM Reporting101a.reportOutput WHERE lineNum=@dashLineNumRow; -- SELECT * FROM Reporting101a.reportDataDefs WHERE sessionId=24; SET curTable=lv_tblName; END IF; INSERT Reporting101a.reportOutput(sessionId,lineOut) SELECT pSessionId, CONCAT('| ', COALESCE(lv_cField,''), COALESCE(REPEAT(' ',GREATEST(0,lv_cFieldMaxLen-LENGTH(lv_cField))),''),' | ', COALESCE(lv_cType,''), COALESCE(REPEAT(' ',GREATEST(0,lv_cTypeMaxLen-LENGTH(lv_cType))),''),' | ', COALESCE(lv_cNull,''), COALESCE(REPEAT(' ',GREATEST(0,lv_cNullMaxLen-LENGTH(lv_cNull))),''),' | ', COALESCE(lv_cKey,' '), COALESCE(REPEAT(' ',GREATEST(0,lv_cKeyMaxLen-LENGTH(lv_cKey))),''),' | ', COALESCE(lv_cDefault,' '), COALESCE(REPEAT(' ',GREATEST(0,lv_cDefaultMaxLen-LENGTH(lv_cDefault))),''),' | ', COALESCE(lv_cExtra,' '), COALESCE(REPEAT(' ',GREATEST(0,lv_cExtraMaxLen-LENGTH(lv_cExtra))),''),' |'); INSERT Reporting101a.reportOutput(sessionId,lineOut) SELECT pSessionId,lineOut FROM Reporting101a.reportOutput WHERE lineNum=@dashLineNumRow; END LOOP; CLOSE cur1; select lineOut as '' from Reporting101a.reportOutput where sessionId=pSessionId order by lineNum; END$$ DELIMITER ;
-- See **Note2** SET @theOutVar =-1; -- A variable used as the OUT variable below -- See **Note3** -- Note: with `TRUE` as the 4th parameter, this is a one call deal. Meaning, you are done. call Reporting101a.describeTables_v2a('stackoverflow',@theOutVar,false,true); -- See **Note4** -- Primarily used if the 4th parameter above is false call Reporting101a.Print_Tables_Like_Describe(@theOutVar); -- loads data for prettier results in chunk format.
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | course | | +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | | | +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | courseId | int(11) | NO | PRI | | auto_increment | | | +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | deptId | int(11) | NO | MUL | | | | | +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | courseName | varchar(100) | NO | | | | | | +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | | dept | | +----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | | | +----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | deptId | int(11) | NO | PRI | | auto_increment | | | +----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | deptName | varchar(100) | NO | | | | | | +----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | | scjunction | | +------------+---------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | | | +------------+---------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | id | int(11) | NO | PRI | | auto_increment | | | +------------+---------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | studentId | int(11) | NO | MUL | | | | | +------------+---------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | courseId | int(11) | NO | MUL | | | | | +------------+---------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | term | int(11) | NO | | | | | | +------------+---------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | attendance | int(11) | NO | | | | | | +------------+---------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | grade | int(11) | NO | | | | | | +------------+---------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | | student | | +-----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | | | +-----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | studentId | int(11) | NO | PRI | | auto_increment | | | +-----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | fullName | varchar(100) | NO | | | | | | +-----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | | | | testtable | | +-----------------------------------------+---------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | | | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | | | +-----------------------------------------+---------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | | | noPKhere | int(11) | NO | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------+---------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | | | veryLongColumnName_And_Then.Some_%_More | decimal(12,2) | YES | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------+---------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | | | limit | int(11) | NO | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------+---------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | | | | testtable2 | | +-------+---------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | | | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | | | +-------+---------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | | | id | int(11) | NO | PRI | | | | | +-------+---------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
注1 :创build一个名为Reporting101a
的数据库来容纳两个存储过程和一些支持表。 这些例程通过调用一个存储过程来引用要使用string报告的数据库。
数据库以只读安全的方式访问。 因此,所报告的数据库未被触及。
– 用于获取会话的简单表# -
数据,并按一下。 这是基于会话的。 -
– 用于打印打印的表,如MySQL的DESCRIBE
。 这只是把输出放在一起的表格。 这是基于会话的。
注2 :此INT
参数目标包含在其中,并且允许您在第一个存储过程准备好数据之后将其他代码楔入。 它表示一个会话#,隔离输出以供稍后报告。
一些像PHP这样的环境有一定的诀窍,这使得它成为一些程序员的一个阻碍。 所以,如果你需要自己组合两个存储过程,那就这样做(或者如果你感到困惑的话,可以单独问我)。
老实说 ,我作为一个OUT参数出来会议#的一个主要原因是我知道我必须创build一个CURSOR来获得漂亮的输出。 这需要第二个存储过程的顶部Cursor DECLARE
必须发生在存储过程的顶部。 所以,双手绑在一起,我走了这条路。
注3 :这是对第一个存储过程的调用。 这个电话真的是你的第四个参数后很可能会完成。 存储过程在其中很好logging。 第三个参数是用于是否希望从会话#的报告表中删除数据。 任何输出作为结果集后,删除都会发生。 所以,这取决于你的select。
- 数据库名称来描述像
describe myTable
一样的所有表 -
参数来保存会话# - 布尔值:是否希望从报表中删除数据
- 布尔值:我们应该自动调用生成类似
的输出的漂亮打印存储过程。 如果您决定将参数4传递为FALSE
注4 :用于需要不同输出但希望使用会话#的情况。 你通常不需要这个。
|Field|Type|Null|Key|Default|Extra| |-----|----|----|---|-------|-----| |blockheight|int(11)|No|PRI|NULL|| ...