//if (hdRefresh.Value.Length > done.Value.Length || done.Value == "1") //{ // //Write Your Add Customer Code here > Response.Write("true") // done.Value = hdRefresh.Value; //} //else //{ // Response.Redirect("~/Cashier/BTBill.aspx"); // return; //} if (IsClosedToDay()) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, typeof(Page), "Warning", "<script>alert('Day Closing has been Performed ')</script>", false); return; } DateTime dateFeomDB = getdate(); // by atizaz if (HDD.Value == "" || HDD.Value == null) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, typeof(Page), "Warning", "<script>alert('No Transaction Found')</script>", false); return; } // SqlConnection scon = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SQLCONN"].ToString()); Common.BillTransaction bill1 = new Common.BillTransaction(); ProcessUpdateBalandUnAuthBal insertBalance = new ProcessUpdateBalandUnAuthBal(); Common.Currency currencyy = new Common.Currency(); ProcessAuthorizeTokenByBillNo authorize = new ProcessAuthorizeTokenByBillNo(); BillTransaction bill = new BillTransaction(); scon.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTrans = scon.BeginTransaction(); try { string strforxml = HDD.Value; XmlDocument docXml = new XmlDocument(); #region Read In To Sender Controlls #region Common Information Contact con = new Contact(); con.Title = ddlTitle.SelectedItem.Text; con.FirstName = TextBox1.Text.Trim(); con.LastName = TextBox9.Text.Trim(); con.ConTactNo = txtCell.Text == "" ? SqlString.Null : txtCell.Text; con.Country = ddlCountry.SelectedItem.Text; con.CustomerType = ddlCustomerType.SelectedItem.Text; con.CustTypeID = int.Parse(ddlCustomerType.SelectedValue); con.CountryID = Int32.Parse(ddlCountry.SelectedValue); con.sqlTransaction = sqlTrans; if (Scitytxt.Value != "") { try { con.City = Scitytxt.Value; con.CityID = Int32.Parse(Scityval.Value); } catch (Exception) { } } else { con.City = SqlString.Null;// Scitytxt.Value; con.CityID = SqlInt32.Null;// Int32.Parse(Scityval.Value); con.Address = ""; } //con.City = ddlCity.SelectedItem.Text; //con.CityID = int.Parse(ddlCity.SelectedValue); con.Address = TextBox10.Text; #endregion #region Check For NIC and Passport if (txtNIC.Text != "" || txtPassport.Text != "") { SqlDataReader rdrsender; if (txtNIC.Text != "") { con.NIC = txtNIC.Text; } else { con.NIC = SqlString.Null; } if (txtPassport.Text != "") { con.Passport = txtPassport.Text; } else { con.Passport = SqlString.Null; } ProcessSearchContactInContactInfo srchSender = new ProcessSearchContactInContactInfo(); srchSender.Contact = con; srchSender.Invokewith5parameters(); rdrsender = srchSender.ResultSet; #region If record Doesnot Exist In response of NIC Passport if (!rdrsender.Read()) { rdrsender.Close(); rdrsender.Dispose(); // con.sqlTransaction = sqlTrans; ProcessAddContact InsertnewSenderInfo = new ProcessAddContact(); // InsertnewSenderInfo.sqlTransaction = sqlTrans; InsertnewSenderInfo.Contact = con; InsertnewSenderInfo.Invoke(); // sender1 = InsertnewSenderInfo.ResultSet; // Sender_ID.Value = sender1[13].ToString(); } #endregion #region If Record Exists else { con.CustomerID = Int32.Parse(rdrsender["Customer_ID"].ToString()); rdrsender.Close(); rdrsender.Dispose(); } #endregion } #endregion #region If Customer Donot Have NIC And/OR Passport else// this executes when both Pasport and NIC are Null { con.NIC = SqlString.Null; con.Passport = SqlString.Null; ProcessAddContact InsertnewSenderInfo = new ProcessAddContact(); InsertnewSenderInfo.Contact = con; InsertnewSenderInfo.Invoke(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); int a = con.CustomerID; StringReader inforeader = new StringReader("<CusTable><CusInfo><Relation_Type></Relation_Type><HusbandFather_Name></HusbandFather_Name><Address_Present></Address_Present><Address_Other></Address_Other><Phone_No_Office></Phone_No_Office><Cell_No></Cell_No><Fax_No></Fax_No><Date_Of_Birth></Date_Of_Birth><NTN_No></NTN_No><Nationality></Nationality><Occupation></Occupation><Relation_With_Financial_Institution></Relation_With_Financial_Institution><Other_Relation_With_Financial_Institution></Other_Relation_With_Financial_Institution><Business_Relation></Business_Relation></CusInfo></CusTable>"); ds.ReadXml(inforeader); ds.GetXml(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("update Contact_Info set CustInfo=" + ds.GetXml() + " WHERE Customer_ID=" + a + "", scon); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // sender1 = InsertnewSenderInfo.ResultSet; // Sender_ID.Value = sender1[13].ToString(); }
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("update Contact_Info set CustInfo=" + ds.GetXml() + " WHERE Customer_ID=" + a + "", scon);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("update Contact_Info set CustInfo=" + ds.GetXml() + " WHERE Customer_ID=" + a + "", scon, sqlTrans);
错误消息正好说明了问题。 在这些行中,您已经打开了一个事务,并且在错误时仍然打开
..... scon.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTrans = scon.BeginTransaction(); .....
现在,当连接有一个打开的事务时,每个SqlCommand都需要被通知。 该事务不是由框架自动设置的。
编辑 :只是要完成。 在使用查询文本更新/插入/删除/select数据库时,避免使用string连接。 使用参数。 这将避免奇怪或无效字符的问题,最重要的是将防止SqlInjection攻击
string sqlText = "update Contact_Info set CustInfo=@info WHERE Customer_ID=@id"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlText, scon, sqlTrans); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@info", ds.GetXml()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id",a); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
只需写下cmd.Transaction = sqlTrans;
它将确保Now ExecuteNonQuery()