
我需要在Excel / VBA中将包含时区(来自外部源)的ISO8601date/时间格式parsing为正常的Exceldate。 据我所知,Excel XP(这就是我们正在使用的)没有内置的例程,所以我想我正在看一个自定义的VBA函数的parsing。


2011-01-01 2011-01-01T12:00:00Z 2011-01-01T12:00:00+05:00 2011-01-01T12:00:00-05:00 2011-01-01T12:00:00.05381+05:00 

有一个(合理的)简单的方法来parsingISO时间戳,而不使用公式而不是macros。 这不是什么原始的海报要求,但我发现这个问题时,试图parsingISO时间戳在Excel中,发现这个解决scheme有用,所以我想我会在这里分享。




很多谷歌search没有任何东西,所以我写我自己的例程。 张贴在这里供将来参考:

 Option Explicit '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Declarations must be at the top -- see below '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Declare Function SystemTimeToFileTime Lib _ "kernel32" (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME, _ lpFileTime As FILETIME) As Long Public Declare Function FileTimeToLocalFileTime Lib _ "kernel32" (lpLocalFileTime As FILETIME, _ lpFileTime As FILETIME) As Long Public Declare Function FileTimeToSystemTime Lib _ "kernel32" (lpFileTime As FILETIME, lpSystemTime _ As SYSTEMTIME) As Long Public Type FILETIME dwLowDateTime As Long dwHighDateTime As Long End Type Public Type SYSTEMTIME wYear As Integer wMonth As Integer wDayOfWeek As Integer wDay As Integer wHour As Integer wMinute As Integer wSecond As Integer wMilliseconds As Integer End Type '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Convert ISO8601 dateTimes to Excel Dates '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function ISODATE(iso As String) ' Find location of delimiters in input string Dim tPos As Integer: tPos = InStr(iso, "T") If tPos = 0 Then tPos = Len(iso) + 1 Dim zPos As Integer: zPos = InStr(iso, "Z") If zPos = 0 Then zPos = InStr(iso, "+") If zPos = 0 Then zPos = InStr(tPos, iso, "-") If zPos = 0 Then zPos = Len(iso) + 1 If zPos = tPos Then zPos = tPos + 1 ' Get the relevant parts out Dim datePart As String: datePart = Mid(iso, 1, tPos - 1) Dim timePart As String: timePart = Mid(iso, tPos + 1, zPos - tPos - 1) Dim dotPos As Integer: dotPos = InStr(timePart, ".") If dotPos = 0 Then dotPos = Len(timePart) + 1 timePart = Left(timePart, dotPos - 1) ' Have them parsed separately by Excel Dim d As Date: d = DateValue(datePart) Dim t As Date: If timePart <> "" Then t = TimeValue(timePart) Dim dt As Date: dt = d + t ' Add the timezone Dim tz As String: tz = Mid(iso, zPos) If tz <> "" And Left(tz, 1) <> "Z" Then Dim colonPos As Integer: colonPos = InStr(tz, ":") If colonPos = 0 Then colonPos = Len(tz) + 1 Dim minutes As Integer: minutes = CInt(Mid(tz, 2, colonPos - 2)) * 60 + CInt(Mid(tz, colonPos + 1)) If Left(tz, 1) = "+" Then minutes = -minutes dt = DateAdd("n", minutes, dt) End If ' Return value is the ISO8601 date in the local time zone dt = UTCToLocalTime(dt) ISODATE = dt End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Got this function to convert local date to UTC date from ' http://excel.tips.net/Pages/T002185_Automatically_Converting_to_GMT.html '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function UTCToLocalTime(dteTime As Date) As Date Dim infile As FILETIME Dim outfile As FILETIME Dim insys As SYSTEMTIME Dim outsys As SYSTEMTIME insys.wYear = CInt(Year(dteTime)) insys.wMonth = CInt(Month(dteTime)) insys.wDay = CInt(Day(dteTime)) insys.wHour = CInt(Hour(dteTime)) insys.wMinute = CInt(Minute(dteTime)) insys.wSecond = CInt(Second(dteTime)) Call SystemTimeToFileTime(insys, infile) Call FileTimeToLocalFileTime(infile, outfile) Call FileTimeToSystemTime(outfile, outsys) UTCToLocalTime = CDate(outsys.wMonth & "/" & _ outsys.wDay & "/" & _ outsys.wYear & " " & _ outsys.wHour & ":" & _ outsys.wMinute & ":" & _ outsys.wSecond) End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Tests for the ISO Date functions '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub ISODateTest() ' [[ Verify that all dateTime formats parse sucesfully ]] Dim d1 As Date: d1 = ISODATE("2011-01-01") Dim d2 As Date: d2 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T00:00:00") Dim d3 As Date: d3 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T00:00:00Z") Dim d4 As Date: d4 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00Z") Dim d5 As Date: d5 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00+05:00") Dim d6 As Date: d6 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00-05:00") Dim d7 As Date: d7 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00.05381+05:00") AssertEqual "Date and midnight", d1, d2 AssertEqual "With and without Z", d2, d3 AssertEqual "With timezone", -5, DateDiff("h", d4, d5) AssertEqual "Timezone Difference", 10, DateDiff("h", d5, d6) AssertEqual "Ignore subsecond", d5, d7 ' [[ Independence of local DST ]] ' Verify that a date in winter and a date in summer parse to the same Hour value Dim w As Date: w = ISODATE("2010-02-23T21:04:48+01:00") Dim s As Date: s = ISODATE("2010-07-23T21:04:48+01:00") AssertEqual "Winter/Summer hours", Hour(w), Hour(s) MsgBox "All tests passed succesfully!" End Sub Sub AssertEqual(name, x, y) If x <> y Then Err.Raise 1234, Description:="Failed: " & name & ": '" & x & "' <> '" & y & "'" End Sub 

我会张贴这个评论,但我没有足够的代表 – 对不起! 这对我来说真的很有用 – 感谢rix0rrr,但是我注意到UTCToLocalTime函数在结束date时需要考虑区域设置。 这里是我在英国使用的版本 – 请注意wDay和wMonth的顺序是相反的:

 Public Function UTCToLocalTime(dteTime As Date) As Date Dim infile As FILETIME Dim outfile As FILETIME Dim insys As SYSTEMTIME Dim outsys As SYSTEMTIME insys.wYear = CInt(Year(dteTime)) insys.wMonth = CInt(Month(dteTime)) insys.wDay = CInt(Day(dteTime)) insys.wHour = CInt(Hour(dteTime)) insys.wMinute = CInt(Minute(dteTime)) insys.wSecond = CInt(Second(dteTime)) Call SystemTimeToFileTime(insys, infile) Call FileTimeToLocalFileTime(infile, outfile) Call FileTimeToSystemTime(outfile, outsys) UTCToLocalTime = CDate(outsys.wDay & "/" & _ outsys.wMonth & "/" & _ outsys.wYear & " " & _ outsys.wHour & ":" & _ outsys.wMinute & ":" & _ outsys.wSecond) End Function 


 Public Function ISODATEZ(iso As String) As Date Dim yearPart As Integer: yearPart = CInt(Mid(iso, 1, 4)) Dim monPart As Integer: monPart = CInt(Mid(iso, 5, 2)) Dim dayPart As Integer: dayPart = CInt(Mid(iso, 7, 2)) Dim hourPart As Integer: hourPart = CInt(Mid(iso, 10, 2)) Dim minPart As Integer: minPart = CInt(Mid(iso, 12, 2)) Dim secPart As Integer: secPart = CInt(Mid(iso, 14, 2)) Dim tz As String: tz = Mid(iso, 16) Dim dt As Date: dt = DateSerial(yearPart, monPart, dayPart) + TimeSerial(hourPart, minPart, secPart) ' Add the timezone If tz <> "" And Left(tz, 1) <> "Z" Then Dim colonPos As Integer: colonPos = InStr(tz, ":") If colonPos = 0 Then colonPos = Len(tz) + 1 Dim minutes As Integer: minutes = CInt(Mid(tz, 2, colonPos - 2)) * 60 + CInt(Mid(tz, colonPos + 1)) If Left(tz, 1) = "+" Then minutes = -minutes dt = DateAdd("n", minutes, dt) End If ' Return value is the ISO8601 date in the local time zone ' dt = UTCToLocalTime(dt) ISODATEZ = dt End Function 

(时区转换未经testing,在出现意外input的情况下没有error handling)

为什么这么多的代码? 这将使用Excel公式进行sorting
