我刚从4.1.rc2移植我的应用程序到rails 4.1.0 。 开始为我的JS文件获取这些错误 ActionView::Template::Error: Asset filtered out and will not be served: add `config.assets.precompile += %w( my_js )` to `config/application.rb` and restart your server
在我的gemfile中我有: gem 'mysql2' 我的database.yml如下所示: default: &default adapter: mysql2 database: <%= ENV['db_name'] %> username: <%= ENV['db_user'] %> password: <%= ENV['db_pass'] %> host: <%= ENV['db_host'] %> pool: 32 socket: <%= ENV['socket'] %> development: <<: *default production: <<: *default 我已经运行bundle update和bundle install ,我的Gemfile.lock显示mysql2。 但是当我运行rake db:migrate我在计算机和登台服务器上都得到了这个: myproject.com(master)$ rake db:migrate WARNING: Use strings for Figaro configuration. 10000012508 was converted to […]