
我知道以前也有类似的问题,但是这个问题有点不一样。 我有一个未命名对象的数组,其中包含一个命名对象的数组,我需要获取“名称”是“string1”的对象。 这是一个示例数组。

var array = [ { name:"string 1", value:"this", other: "that" }, { name:"string 2", value:"this", other: "that" } ]; 



 function search(nameKey, myArray){ for (var i=0; i < myArray.length; i++) { if (myArray[i].name === nameKey) { return myArray[i]; } } } var array = [ { name:"string 1", value:"this", other: "that" }, { name:"string 2", value:"this", other: "that" } ]; var resultObject = search("string 1", array); 


 let arr = [ { name:"string 1", value:"this", other: "that" }, { name:"string 2", value:"this", other: "that" } ]; let obj = arr.find(o => o.name === 'string 1'); console.log(obj); 

ES6中,你可以像这样使用Array.prototype.find(predicate, thisArg?)

 array.find(x => x.name === 'string 1') 

http://exploringjs.com/es6/ch_arrays.html#_searching-for-array-elements https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/find

然后replace所述对象(并使用另一个很酷的ES6方法fill ),你可以做一些事情:

 let obj = array.find(x => x.name === 'string 1'); let index = array.indexOf(obj); array.fill(obj.name='some new string', index, index++); 


 var array = [ { name:"string 1", value:"this", other: "that" }, { name:"string 2", value:"this", other: "that" } ]; var result = _.findWhere(array, {name: 'string 1'}); console.log(result.name); 


按照ECMAScript 6,您可以使用findIndex函数。

 array[array.findIndex(x => x.name == 'string 1')] 



 /** * Represents a search trough an array. * @function search * @param {Array} array - The array you wanna search trough * @param {string} key - The key to search for * @param {string} [prop] - The property name to find it in */ function search(array, key, prop){ // Optional, but fallback to key['name'] if not selected prop = (typeof prop === 'undefined') ? 'name' : prop; for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i][prop] === key) { return array[i]; } } } 


 var array = [ { name:'string 1', value:'this', other: 'that' }, { name:'string 2', value:'this', other: 'that' } ]; search(array, 'string 1'); // or for other cases where the prop isn't 'name' // ex: prop name id search(array, 'string 1', 'id'); 


 var assert = require('chai').assert; describe('Search', function() { var testArray = [ { name: 'string 1', value: 'this', other: 'that' }, { name: 'string 2', value: 'new', other: 'that' } ]; it('should return the object that match the search', function () { var name1 = search(testArray, 'string 1'); var name2 = search(testArray, 'string 2'); assert.equal(name1, testArray[0]); assert.equal(name2, testArray[1]); var value1 = search(testArray, 'this', 'value'); var value2 = search(testArray, 'new', 'value'); assert.equal(value1, testArray[0]); assert.equal(value2, testArray[1]); }); it('should return undefined becuase non of the objects in the array have that value', function () { var findNonExistingObj = search(testArray, 'string 3'); assert.equal(findNonExistingObj, undefined); }); it('should return undefined becuase our array of objects dont have ids', function () { var findById = search(testArray, 'string 1', 'id'); assert.equal(findById, undefined); }); }); 


 Search ✓ should return the object that match the search ✓ should return undefined becuase non of the objects in the array have that value ✓ should return undefined becuase our array of objects dont have ids 3 passing (12ms) 

旧答案 – 由于不良做法而被删除




 Array.prototype.search = function(key, prop){ for (var i=0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i][prop] === key) { return this[i]; } } } 


 var array = [ { name:'string 1', value:'this', other: 'that' }, { name:'string 2', value:'this', other: 'that' } ]; array.search('string 1', 'name'); 


 var result = null; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i].name === "string 1") { result = array[i]; break; } } 

或者,如果你可以的话,也就是说,如果你的浏览器支持它,使用Array.filter ,这是更简洁:

 var result = array.filter(function (obj) { return obj.name === "string 1"; })[0]; 

另一种方法(以帮助@NullUserException和@ Wexoni的注释)是检索数组中的对象的索引,然后从那里:

 var index = array.map(function(obj){ return obj.name; }).indexOf('name-I-am-looking-for'); // Then we can access it to do whatever we want array[index] = {name: 'newName', value: 'that', other: 'rocks'}; 


 var obj = null; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i].name == "string 1") { obj = array[i]; break; } } 


  Array.prototype.getIemtByParam = function(paramPair) { var key = Object.keys(paramPair)[0]; return this.find(function(item){return ((item[key] == paramPair[key]) ? true: false)}); } 


 myArray.getIemtByParam( {name: 'Sasha'} ); 


 array.forEach((item, i) => { if (item.name === 'string 1') { return item; } }); 

如果你使用jQuery,试试$ .grep()。




 var productList = [{category: 'Sporting Goods', price: '$49.99', stocked: true, name: 'Football'}, {category: 'Sporting Goods', price: '$9.99', stocked: true, name: 'Baseball'}, {category: 'Sporting Goods', price: '$29.99', stocked: false, name: 'Basketball'}, {category: 'Electronics', price: '$99.99', stocked: true, name: 'iPod Touch'}, {category: 'Electronics', price: '$399.99', stocked: false, name: 'iPhone 5'}, {category: 'Electronics', price: '$199.99', stocked: true, name: 'Nexus 7'}] function customFilter(objList, text){ if(undefined === text || text === '' ) return objList; return objList.filter(product => { let flag; for(let prop in product){ flag = false; flag = product[prop].toString().indexOf(text) > -1; if(flag) break; } return flag; });} 


 customFilter(productList, '$9'); 



 function searchAndUpdate(name,replace){ var obj = array.filter(function ( obj ) { return obj.name === name; })[0]; obj.name = replace; } searchAndUpdate("string 2","New String 2"); 
 function getValue(){ for(var i = 0 ; i< array.length; i++){ var obj = array[i]; var arr = array["types"]; for(var j = 0; j<arr.length;j++ ){ if(arr[j] == "value"){ return obj; } } } } 

你可以使用来自npm的查询对象 。 您可以使用filtersearch对象数组。

 const queryable = require('query-objects'); const users = [ { firstName: 'George', lastName: 'Eracleous', age: 28 }, { firstName: 'Erica', lastName: 'Archer', age: 50 }, { firstName: 'Leo', lastName: 'Andrews', age: 20 } ]; const filters = [ { field: 'age', value: 30, operator: 'lt' }, { field: 'firstName', value: 'Erica', operator: 'equals' } ]; // Filter all users that are less than 30 years old AND their first name is Erica const res = queryable(users).and(filters); // Filter all users that are less than 30 years old OR their first name is Erica const res = queryable(users).or(filters); 


我在上面的@rujmah答案的帮助下得到了这个答案。 他的答案带来了arrays数…然后find的价值,并用另一个价值取代它…

这个答案的作用是简单地抓取可能通过另一个模块/组件在另一个variables中设置的数组名…在这种情况下,我构build的数组有一个保留date的CSS名称。 所以这是做的是提取这个名字,然后让我把它设置为另一个variables,像这样使用它。 在我的情况下,这是一个html的CSS类。

let obj = this.highlightDays.find(x => x.css); let index = this.highlightDays.indexOf(obj); console.log('here we see what hightlightdays is ', obj.css); let dayCss = obj.css;

一行答案。 你可以使用过滤函数来获得结果。

 var array = [ { name:"string 1", value:"this", other: "that" }, { name:"string 2", value:"this", other: "that" } ]; console.log(array.filter(function(arr){return arr.name == 'string 1'})[0]);