



def validate_password(passwd): conditions_met = 0 conditions_total = 3 if len(passwd) >= 6: if passwd.lower() != passwd: conditions_met += 1 if len([x for x in passwd if x.isdigit()]) > 0: conditions_met += 1 if len([x for x in passwd if not x.isalnum()]) > 0: conditions_met += 1 result = False print conditions_met if conditions_met >= 2: result = True return result 


  • 至less有一个大写字母和一个小写字母
  • 至less有一个号码
  • 至less有一个特殊字符
  • 长度至less为六个字符

您可以要求以上所有内容,或使用力量计types的脚本。 对于我的力量计,如果密码长度合适,评估如下:

  • 满足一个条件:弱密码
  • 满足两个条件:中等密码
  • 所有条件都符合:强密码


面向对象的方法将是一组规则。 为每个规则分配一个权重并遍历它们。 在伪代码中:

 abstract class Rule { float weight; float calculateScore( string password ); } 


 float getPasswordStrength( string password ) { float totalWeight = 0.0f; float totalScore = 0.0f; foreach ( rule in rules ) { totalWeight += weight; totalScore += rule.calculateScore( password ) * rule.weight; } return (totalScore / totalWeight) / rules.count; } 


 float calculateScore( string password ) { float score = 0.0f; // NUMBER_CLASS is a constant char array { '0', '1', '2', ... } if ( password.contains( NUMBER_CLASS ) ) score += 1.0f; if ( password.contains( UPPERCASE_CLASS ) ) score += 1.0f; if ( password.contains( LOWERCASE_CLASS ) ) score += 1.0f; // Sub rule as private method if ( containsPunctuation( password ) ) score += 1.0f; return score / 4.0f; } 

一般algorithm在维基百科页面( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_password_generator#Stronger_methods )中概述。 我还在这里find了几个脚本 – http://webtecker.com/2008/03/26/collection-of-password-strength-scripts/ 。 其中一些是在MIT的许可下,所以你可以看看代码,并找出他们如何计算实力。 我发现维基百科条目也有帮助。


  1. 长度。 我会说至less8个字符。
  2. 密码包含的不同字符类的数量。 这些通常是小写字母,大写字母,数字和标点符号等。 强密码将包含至less三个这些类的字符; 如果您强制使用数字或其他非字母字符,则会显着降低字典攻击的有效性。





 import re import string max_score = 6 def score(username,passwd): if passwd == username: return -1 if username in passwd: return 0 score = 0 if len(passwd) > 7: score+=1 if len(passwd) > 11: score+=1 if re.search('\d+',passwd): score+=1 if re.search('[az]',passwd) and re.search('[AZ]',passwd): score+=1 if len([x for x in passwd if x in string.punctuation]) > 0: score+=1 if len([x for x in passwd if x not in string.printable]) > 0: score+=1 return score 


 import pwscore score = pwscore(username,passwd) if score < 3: return "weak password (score=" + str(score) + "/" + str(pwscore.max_score) + "), try again." 

可能不是最有效的,但似乎是合理的。 不确定FascistCheck =>“与用户名太相似”是值得的。





  var getStrength = function (passwd) { intScore = 0; intScore = (intScore + passwd.length); if (passwd.match(/[az]/)) { intScore = (intScore + 1); } if (passwd.match(/[AZ]/)) { intScore = (intScore + 5); } if (passwd.match(/\d+/)) { intScore = (intScore + 5); } if (passwd.match(/(\d.*\d)/)) { intScore = (intScore + 5); } if (passwd.match(/[!,@#$%^&*?_~]/)) { intScore = (intScore + 5); } if (passwd.match(/([!,@#$%^&*?_~].*[!,@#$%^&*?_~])/)) { intScore = (intScore + 5); } if (passwd.match(/[az]/) && passwd.match(/[AZ]/)) { intScore = (intScore + 2); } if (passwd.match(/\d/) && passwd.match(/\D/)) { intScore = (intScore + 2); } if (passwd.match(/[az]/) && passwd.match(/[AZ]/) && passwd.match(/\d/) && passwd.match(/[!,@#$%^&*?_~]/)) { intScore = (intScore + 2); } return intScore; } 




  • 至less8个字符
  • 包含至less一个非字母数字符号
  • 不匹配或包含用户名/电子邮件/等。
  • 等等

这是一个报告密码强度的jQuery插件(不是自己尝试的): http : //phiras.wordpress.com/2007/04/08/password-strength-meter-a-jquery-plugin/

同样的东西移植到PHP: http : //www.alixaxel.com/wordpress/2007/06/09/php-password-strength-algorithm/



我写了一个小的Javascript应用程序。 看看: 另一个密码表 。 您可以下载源代码并在GPL下使用/修改它。 玩的开心!

我不知道是否有人会发现这个有用,但我真的很喜欢phearbuild议的规则集的想法,所以我去写了一个规则Python 2.6类(虽然它可能与2.5兼容):

 import re class SecurityException(Exception): pass class Rule: """Creates a rule to evaluate against a string. Rules can be regex patterns or a boolean returning function. Whether a rule is inclusive or exclusive is decided by the sign of the weight. Positive weights are inclusive, negative weights are exclusive. Call score() to return either 0 or the weight if the rule is fufilled. Raises a SecurityException if a required rule is violated. """ def __init__(self,rule,weight=1,required=False,name=u"The Unnamed Rule"): try: getattr(rule,"__call__") except AttributeError: self.rule = re.compile(rule) # If a regex, compile else: self.rule = rule # Otherwise it's a function and it should be scored using it if weight == 0: return ValueError(u"Weights can not be 0") self.weight = weight self.required = required self.name = name def exclusive(self): return self.weight < 0 def inclusive(self): return self.weight >= 0 exclusive = property(exclusive) inclusive = property(inclusive) def _score_regex(self,password): match = self.rule.search(password) if match is None: if self.exclusive: # didn't match an exclusive rule return self.weight elif self.inclusive and self.required: # didn't match on a required inclusive rule raise SecurityException(u"Violation of Rule: %s by input \"%s\"" % (self.name.title(), password)) elif self.inclusive and not self.required: return 0 else: if self.inclusive: return self.weight elif self.exclusive and self.required: raise SecurityException(u"Violation of Rule: %s by input \"%s\"" % (self.name,password)) elif self.exclusive and not self.required: return 0 return 0 def score(self,password): try: getattr(self.rule,"__call__") except AttributeError: return self._score_regex(password) else: return self.rule(password) * self.weight def __unicode__(self): return u"%s (%i)" % (self.name.title(), self.weight) def __str__(self): return self.__unicode__() 



 rules = [ Rule("^foobar",weight=20,required=True,name=u"The Fubared Rule"), ] try: score = 0 for rule in rules: score += rule.score() except SecurityException e: print e else: print score 

免责声明:未经unit testing

Cracklib非常好,在新的包里有一个可用的Python模块。 但是,在还没有它的系统上,比如CentOS 5,我已经为系统cryptlib写了一个ctypes包装器。 这也适用于你不能安装python-libcrypt的系统。 它确实需要python与ctypes可用,所以对于CentOS 5你必须安装和使用python26包。

它还具有可以取用户名和检查包含它的密码或类似的密码的优点,如libcrypt“FascistGecos”函数,但不需要用户存在于/ etc / passwd中。



 >>> FascistCheck('jafo1234', 'jafo') 'it is based on your username' >>> FascistCheck('myofaj123', 'jafo') 'it is based on your username' >>> FascistCheck('jxayfoxo', 'jafo') 'it is too similar to your username' >>> FascistCheck('cretse') 'it is based on a dictionary word' 
