我正在使用Eclipse IDE和ADT插件0.9.6。
不过,有一种工具 – 特别是在debugging模式下 – 这样可以让开发人员直接看到Activity
从命令行,您可以使用: adb shell dumpsys activity
这要求活动pipe理器打印当前状态的转储。 第一部分是完整的活动历史,由任务组织。 之后还会打印很多东西,所以您可能需要向上滚动一下才能find您想要的东西。
当前活动pipe理器状态中的活动: * TaskRecord {44d07218#4 A android.task.contacts} clearOnBackground = true numActivities = 2 rootWasReset = true 亲和力= android.task.contacts intent = {act = android.intent.action.MAIN cat = [android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg = 0x10600000 cmp = com.android.contacts / .DialtactsActivity bnds = [125,640] [235,758]} origActivity = com.android.contacts / .DialtactsContactsEntryActivity realActivity = com.android.contacts / .DialtactsActivity lastActiveTime = 288203177(停用14秒) * Hist#8:HistoryRecord {44b87a30 com.android.contacts / .ViewContactActivity} packageName = com.android.contacts processName = android.process.acore launchFromUid = 10004 app = ProcessRecord {44c4f348 1168:android.process.acore / 10004} Intent {act = android.intent.action.VIEW dat = content://com.android.contacts/contacts/lookup/144i148.144i461a29500afc8eeb/1927 cmp = com.android.contacts / .ViewContactActivity} frontOfTask = false任务= TaskRecord {44d07218#4一个android.task.contacts} taskAffinity = android.task.contacts realActivity = com.android.contacts / .ViewContactActivity base = / system / app / Contacts.apk / system / app / Contacts.apk data = / data / data / com.android.contacts labelRes = 0x7f090012 icon = 0x7f02006b theme = 0x7f0e0004 stateNotNeeded = false componentSpecified = false isHomeActivity = false configuration= {scale = 1.0 imsi = 310/4 loc = en_US touch = 3 keys = 2/1/2 nav = 2/2 orien = 1 layout = 34} resultTo = HistoryRecord {44d174d0 com.android.contacts / .DialtactsContactsEntryActivity} resultWho = favorites resultCode = 2 launchFailed = false haveState = false icicle = null state = RESUMED stopped = false delayedResume = false finishing = false keysPaused = false inHistory = true persistent = false launchMode = 0 fullscreen = true visible = true frozenBeforeDestroy = false thumbnailNeeded = false idle = true waitingVisible = false nowVisible = true * Hist#7:HistoryRecord {44d174d0 com.android.contacts / .DialtactsContactsEntryActivity} packageName = com.android.contacts processName = android.process.acore launchFromUid = 10004 app = ProcessRecord {44c4f348 1168:android.process.acore / 10004} Intent {act = android.intent.action.MAIN cat = [android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg = 0x10200000 cmp = com.android.contacts / .DialtactsContactsEntryActivity bnds = [125,640] [235,758]} frontOfTask = true任务= TaskRecord {44d07218#4一个android.task.contacts} taskAffinity = android.task.contacts realActivity = com.android.contacts / .DialtactsActivity base = / system / app / Contacts.apk / system / app / Contacts.apk data = / data / data / com.android.contacts labelRes = 0x7f090007 icon = 0x7f02006b theme = 0x7f0e0000 stateNotNeeded = false componentSpecified = true isHomeActivity = false configuration= {scale = 1.0 imsi = 310/4 loc = en_US touch = 3 keys = 2/1/2 nav = 2/2 orien = 1 layout = 34} launchFailed = false haveState = true icicle = Bundle [mParcelledData.dataSize = 4196] 状态=停止停止=真delayedResume =假整理=假 keysPaused = false inHistory = true persistent = false launchMode = 2 fullscreen = true visible = false frozenBeforeDestroy = false thumbnailNeeded = false idle = true * TaskRecord {44c4ee90#2 com.android.launcher} clearOnBackground = true numActivities = 1 rootWasReset = true 亲和力= com.android.launcher intent = {act = android.intent.action.MAIN cat = [android.intent.category.HOME] flg = 0x10600000 cmp = com.android.launcher / .Launcher} realActivity = com.android.launcher / .Launcher lastActiveTime = 214734838(73483s不活跃) * Hist#6:HistoryRecord {44c4d988 com.android.launcher / .Launcher} packageName = com.android.launcher processName = android.process.acore launchFromUid = 0 app = ProcessRecord {44c4f348 1168:android.process.acore / 10004} Intent {act = android.intent.action.MAIN cat = [android.intent.category.HOME] flg = 0x10000000 cmp = com.android.launcher / .Launcher} frontOfTask = true task = TaskRecord {44c4ee90#2 com.android.launcher} taskAffinity = com.android.launcher realActivity = com.android.launcher / .Launcher base = / system / app / Launcher.apk / system / app / Launcher.apk data = / data / data / com.android.launcher labelRes = 0x7f0a0000图标= 0x7f020015主题= 0x103005f stateNotNeeded = true componentSpecified = false isHomeActivity = true configuration= {scale = 1.0 imsi = 310/4 loc = en_US touch = 3 keys = 2/1/2 nav = 2/2 orien = 1 layout = 34} launchFailed = false haveState = true icicle = Bundle [mParcelledData.dataSize = 5964] 状态=停止停止=真delayedResume =假整理=假 keysPaused = false inHistory = true persistent = false launchMode = 2 fullscreen = true visible = false frozenBeforeDestroy = false thumbnailNeeded = false idle = true
$ adb shell dumpsys activity activities | sed -En -e '/Stack #/p' -e '/Running activities/,/Run #0/p'
或者,您可以尝试TaskLogger ,一个我创build的简单工具,它可以监视您的应用程序中的所有活动和任务,并在Logcat中实时输出。
我知道这是一个老问题,但是现在这个function已经融入到了Android Studio中:
Running activities (most recent first): TaskRecord{4307f828 #56 A com.demo.proj U 0} Run #4: ActivityRecord{425a6838 com.demo.proj/com.demo.proj.Activity2} Run #3: ActivityRecord{427dc860 com.demo.proj/com.demo.proj.Activity1} Run #2: ActivityRecord{420cba18 com.demo.proj/com.demo.proj.MainActivity} TaskRecord{430341d0 #2 A com.lge.launcher2 U 0} Run #1: ActivityRecord{41e0af68 com.lge.launcher2/.Launcher} TaskRecord{44e26ce0 #18 A com.lge.appbox.client U 0} Run #0: ActivityRecord{41e9dbe8 com.lge.appbox.client/.AppBoxClient}
注意:运行#4是您现在在屏幕上看到的活动。 🙂
您可以使用工具hierarchyviewer.bat。 它是android SDK的一部分。 它只适用于模拟器。 但它更舒适,更清晰。
编辑:我刚刚在Eclipse中find了层次结构查看器! 它也适用于真实的设备。 只需打开透视图Windows-> Open Perspective-> Hierarchy View在列表中,您可以看到所有连接的设备和仿真器以及活动堆栈。 另外在树形视图中,您可以看到更多关于视图本身的信息。
编辑:层次结构查看器将只能用于开发人员设备。 生产设备不能出于安全原因。 欲了解更多信息,请看下面的答案
解决scheme:“adb shell dumpsys活动”不适用于TabActivity。 当选中每个标签项目时,相应的活动将被启动。 但是当使用'adb shell dumpsys activity'时总是返回'main'活动:
public class main extends TabActivity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Log.e("xyz", "start main..............."); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); Resources res = getResources(); // Resource object to get Drawables TabHost tabHost = getTabHost(); // The activity TabHost TabHost.TabSpec spec; // Resusable TabSpec for each tab Intent intent; // Reusable Intent for each tab // Create an Intent to launch an Activity for the tab (to be reused) intent = new Intent().setClass(this, widgets.class); spec = tabHost.newTabSpec("Widgets").setIndicator("Widgets", res.getDrawable(R.drawable.tab1)).setContent(intent); tabHost.addTab(spec); intent = new Intent().setClass(this, layouts.class); spec = tabHost.newTabSpec("Layouts").setIndicator("Layouts",res.getDrawable(R.drawable.tab2)).setContent(intent); tabHost.addTab(spec); intent = new Intent().setClass(this, composite1.class); spec = tabHost.newTabSpec("Composite").setIndicator("Composite",res.getDrawable(R.drawable.tab3)).setContent(intent); tabHost.addTab(spec); intent = new Intent().setClass(this, imageMedia.class); spec = tabHost.newTabSpec("Image_Media").setIndicator("Image&Media",res.getDrawable(R.drawable.tab4)).setContent(intent); tabHost.addTab(spec); intent = new Intent().setClass(this, timeDate.class); spec = tabHost.newTabSpec("Time_Date").setIndicator("Time&Date",res.getDrawable(R.drawable.tab5)).setContent(intent); tabHost.addTab(spec); intent = new Intent().setClass(this, transitions.class); spec = tabHost.newTabSpec("Transitions").setIndicator("Transitions",res.getDrawable(R.drawable.tab6)).setContent(intent); tabHost.addTab(spec); intent = new Intent().setClass(this, advanced.class); spec = tabHost.newTabSpec("Advanced").setIndicator("Advanced",res.getDrawable(R.drawable.tab7)).setContent(intent); tabHost.addTab(spec); intent = new Intent().setClass(this, others.class); spec = tabHost.newTabSpec("Others").setIndicator("Others",res.getDrawable(R.drawable.tab8)).setContent(intent); tabHost.addTab(spec); intent = new Intent().setClass(this, Dynamic.class); spec = tabHost.newTabSpec("Dynamic").setIndicator("Dynamic",res.getDrawable(R.drawable.tab2)).setContent(intent); tabHost.addTab(spec); tabHost.setCurrentTab(0); }
adb shell dumpsys activity activities | grep PACKAGE_NAME | grep Hist
adb shell dumpsys activity recents
adb shell dumpsys activity services
adb shell dumpsys activity providers
adb shell dumpsys activity broadcasts
adb shell dumpsys activity intents
adb shell dumpsys activity permissions