就不鼓励了。 相反,只有“已知的”例外应该被捕获。
try { WebId = new Guid(queryString["web"]); } catch (FormatException) { WebId = Guid.Empty; } catch (OverflowException) { WebId = Guid.Empty; }
我想知道:是否有一种方法来捕获这两个异常,只调用WebId = Guid.Empty
。 但想象一下代码在多次修改对象的位置,如果其中一个操作以预期的方式失败,则需要“重置”该object
。 但是,如果出现意想不到的例外情况,我还是要把这个提高一些。
catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is FormatException || ex is OverflowException) { WebId = Guid.Empty; return; } throw; }
编辑:我也赞同其他人说,从C#6.0,异常过滤器现在是一个完美的方式去: catch (Exception ex) when (ex is ... || ex is ... )
除此之外,我还是很讨厌这种一字排开的版本,并且会像下面那样亲自把代码放在外面。 我认为这是审美功能,因为我相信它提高了理解。 有些人可能不同意:
catch (Exception ex) when ( ex is ... || ex is ... || ex is ... )
直截了当地进行追踪,这种类型复制了一个较早的答案,但如果你真的想为几个异常类型执行一个共同的操作,并保持整个事物在一个方法的范围内整齐,为什么不使用一个lambda /闭合/内联函数做如下的事情? 我的意思是,机会是相当好的,你会最终意识到,你只是想使这个封闭的方法,你可以利用各地。 但是,如果不在结构上实际改变代码的其余部分,将会非常容易。 对?
private void TestMethod () { Action<Exception> errorHandler = ( ex ) => { // write to a log, whatever... }; try { // try some stuff } catch ( FormatException ex ) { errorHandler ( ex ); } catch ( OverflowException ex ) { errorHandler ( ex ); } catch ( ArgumentNullException ex ) { errorHandler ( ex ); } }
我不禁想知道( 警告:前面有点讽刺/讽刺),为什么要这么做,基本上只是取代以下几点:
try { // try some stuff } catch( FormatException ex ){} catch( OverflowException ex ){} catch( ArgumentNullException ex ){}
// sorta sucks, let's be honest... try { // try some stuff } catch( Exception ex ) { if (ex is FormatException || ex is OverflowException || ex is ArgumentNullException) { // write to a log, whatever... return; } throw; }
当然,我留下了/* write to a log, whatever... */ return;
的三个相同的实例/* write to a log, whatever... */ return;
但是,这是我的观点。 你们都听说过功能/方法吧? 认真。 编写一个通用的ErrorHandler
对于那些可能相对比较陌生的人来说,维护阶段将占项目整个生命周期的98.7%甚至更多,而那些做维护的可怜的黑客几乎肯定会是你以外的人。 而他们将有50%的时间花在工作上咒骂你的名字的可能性很大。
当然FxCop会咆哮你,所以你还必须添加一个属性到你的代码中,与正在运行的程序完全相同的zip,并且只是告诉FxCop忽略一个问题,在99.9%的情况下它是完全的正确的标记。 而且,对不起,我可能弄错了,但是不是那个“忽略”属性最终实际编译到你的应用程序中了吗?
测试在一条线上,使其更具可读性? 我不这么认为。 我的意思是,我曾经有另一个程序员在很久以前激烈地争辩说,把更多的代码放在一行上会让它“跑得更快”。 但他当然是疯狂的疯子。 试图向他解释(这是一个挑战性的问题),口译员或编译器如何将这条冗长的线路拆分成离散的一行一行的语句 – 与前面的结果基本相同只是使代码可读,而不是试图超越编译器 – 对他没有任何影响。 但是我离题了。
当你从现在开始增加三个或更多的异常类型时,可读性会降低多少? (答案:它可读性差很多 )。
其中一个重要的点是,格式化我们每天都在看的文本源代码的大部分要点是让其他人真正明白当代码运行时实际发生的事情。 因为编译器将源代码转换成完全不同的东西,并不在乎你的代码格式风格。 所以所有的在线也完全是糟糕的。
// super sucks... catch( Exception ex ) { if ( ex is FormatException || ex is OverflowException || ex is ArgumentNullException ) { // write to a log, whatever... return; } throw; }
语句来确定发生了什么。 C#6支持异常过滤器,因此以下内容将起作用:
try { … } catch (Exception e) when (MyFilter(e)) { … }
private bool MyFilter(Exception e) { return e is ArgumentNullException || e is FormatException; }
try { … } catch (Exception e) when (e is ArgumentNullException || e is FormatException) { … }
您可以下载Visual Studio 2015来检查这一点。
如果您想继续使用Visual Studio 2013,则可以安装以下nuget包:
引用此包将导致项目使用包中包含的特定版本的C#和Visual Basic编译器进行构建,而不是任何系统安装版本。
不幸的是,在C#中,你需要一个异常过滤器来做到这一点,C#不公开这个功能的MSIL。 VB.NET确实有这个能力,例如
Catch ex As Exception When TypeOf ex Is FormatException OrElse TypeOf ex Is OverflowException
Action onError = () => WebId = Guid.Empty; try { // something } catch (FormatException) { onError(); } catch (OverflowException) { onError(); }
为了完整性,从.NET 4.0开始 ,代码可以被重写为:
Guid.TryParse(queryString["web"], out WebId);
Guid.TryParse(queryString["web"], out Guid webId);
您也可以创建解析返回的元组的方法,这些方法在.NET Framework 4.6以前版本中不可用:
(bool success, Guid result) TryParseGuid(string input) => (Guid.TryParse(input, out Guid result), result);
WebId = TryParseGuid(queryString["web"]).result; // or var tuple = TryParseGuid(queryString["web"]); WebId = tuple.success ? tuple.result : DefaultWebId;
如果您可以将您的应用程序升级到C#6,那么您很幸运。 新的C#版本已经实现了异常过滤器。 所以你可以写这个:
catch (Exception ex) when (ex is FormatException || ex is OverflowException) { WebId = Guid.Empty; }
catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is FormatException || ex is OverflowException) { WebId = Guid.Empty; } throw; }
但事实并非如此。 实际上,这是C#6中唯一不可能在之前版本中模拟的新功能。 首先,重掷意味着比跳过捕捉更多的开销。 其次,它在语义上不等同。 当您调试代码时,新功能保留了堆栈的完整性。 没有这个功能,崩溃转储就没那么有用,甚至是无用的。
在CodePlex上查看关于此的讨论 。 并举例说明差异 。
语句,那么在C# 6.0
,可以使用 CLR在预览版本中已经支持但仅在VB.NET
存在的Exception Filters
语法 :
try { WebId = new Guid(queryString["web"]); } catch (Exception exception) when (exception is FormatException || ex is OverflowException) { WebId = Guid.Empty; }
static int a = 8; ... catch (Exception exception) when (exception is InvalidDataException && a == 8) { Console.WriteLine("Catch"); }
语句相反, Exception Filters
static int a = 7; static int b = 0; ... try { throw new InvalidDataException(); } catch (Exception exception) when (exception is InvalidDataException && a / b == 2) { Console.WriteLine("Catch"); } catch (Exception exception) when (exception is InvalidDataException || exception is ArgumentException) { Console.WriteLine("General catch"); }
Exception Filter
– 第一个将被接受:
static int a = 8; static int b = 4; ... try { throw new InvalidDataException(); } catch (Exception exception) when (exception is InvalidDataException && a / b == 2) { Console.WriteLine("Catch"); } catch (Exception exception) when (exception is InvalidDataException || exception is ArgumentException) { Console.WriteLine("General catch"); }
不能从标有Filter 1
和Filter 2
命令之前将比较值压入堆栈将决定过滤器的成功/失败( Catch 1
XOR Catch 2
public void TryCatch(...) { try { // something return; } catch (FormatException) {} catch (OverflowException) {} WebId = Guid.Empty; }
任何其他异常将被抛出,代码WebId = Guid.Empty;
将不会被击中。 如果你不想让其他的异常崩溃你的程序,只需在后面添加另外两个catch:
... catch (Exception) { // something, if anything return; // only need this if you follow the example I gave and put it all in a method }
被接受的答案似乎是可以接受的,只不过CodeAnalysis / FxCop会抱怨它正在捕获一般的异常类型。
bool exThrown = false; try { // Something } catch (FormatException) { exThrown = true; } catch (OverflowException) { exThrown = true; } if (exThrown) { // Something else }
在C#6中推荐的方法是使用Exception Filters,这里是一个例子:
try { throw new OverflowException(); } catch(Exception e ) when ((e is DivideByZeroException) || (e is OverflowException)) { // this will execute iff e is DividedByZeroEx or OverflowEx Console.WriteLine("E"); }
catch (Exception ex) { Type exType = ex.GetType(); if (exType == typeof(System.FormatException) || exType == typeof(System.OverflowException) { WebId = Guid.Empty; } else { throw; } }
catch(Exception ex) { if (!(ex is SomeException || ex is OtherException)) throw; // Handle exception }
- 返回声明是没有必要的
- 代码不嵌套
- 不要忘记Joseph的解决方案中的“抛出”或“返回”表述与表达式分离的风险。
catch(Exception ex) { if (!(ex is SomeException || ex is OtherException)) throw; // Handle exception }
编辑:在C#6.0中的异常过滤将使语法更清洁一些,并带来许多其他好处超过任何当前的解决方案。 (最值得注意的就是没有受到伤害)
catch(Exception ex) when (ex is SomeException || ex is OtherException) { // Handle exception }
警告和警告: 又一种功能风格。
static void Main() { Action body = () => { ...your code... }; body.Catch<InvalidOperationException>() .Catch<BadCodeException>() .Catch<AnotherException>(ex => { ...handler... })(); }
更大的问题是为什么 。 我不认为成本超过这里的收益:)
catch (Exception ex) { if (!( ex is FormatException || ex is OverflowException)) { throw; } Console.WriteLine("Hello"); }
try { WebId = Guid.Empty; WebId = new Guid(queryString["web"]); } catch (FormatException) { } catch (OverflowException) { }
更新2015-12-15:请参阅https://stackoverflow.com/a/22864936/1718702 C#6。 这是一个更清洁,现在的标准语言。
检查非常合适。 另外,imho,它看起来比一堆||
更干净 声明。 另外,与接受的答案不同,我更喜欢明确的异常处理,因此ex is ...
if (ex.GetType().IsAnyOf( typeof(FormatException), typeof(ArgumentException))) { // Handle } else throw;
namespace Common.FluentValidation { public static partial class Validate { /// <summary> /// Validates the passed in parameter matches at least one of the passed in comparisons. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="p_parameter">Parameter to validate.</param> /// <param name="p_comparisons">Values to compare against.</param> /// <returns>True if a match is found.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"></exception> public static bool IsAnyOf<T>(this T p_parameter, params T[] p_comparisons) { // Validate p_parameter .CannotBeNull("p_parameter"); p_comparisons .CannotBeNullOrEmpty("p_comparisons"); // Test for any match foreach (var item in p_comparisons) if (p_parameter.Equals(item)) return true; // Return no matches found return false; } } }
Full Error Handling Example (Copy-Paste to new Console app)
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Common.FluentValidation; namespace IsAnyOfExceptionHandlerSample { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // High Level Error Handler (Log and Crash App) try { Foo(); } catch (OutOfMemoryException ex) { Console.WriteLine("FATAL ERROR! System Crashing. " + ex.Message); Console.ReadKey(); } } static void Foo() { // Init List<Action<string>> TestActions = new List<Action<string>>() { (key) => { throw new FormatException(); }, (key) => { throw new ArgumentException(); }, (key) => { throw new KeyNotFoundException();}, (key) => { throw new OutOfMemoryException(); }, }; // Run foreach (var FooAction in TestActions) { // Mid-Level Error Handler (Appends Data for Log) try { // Init var SomeKeyPassedToFoo = "FooParam"; // Low-Level Handler (Handle/Log and Keep going) try { FooAction(SomeKeyPassedToFoo); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.GetType().IsAnyOf( typeof(FormatException), typeof(ArgumentException))) { // Handle Console.WriteLine("ex was {0}", ex.GetType().Name); Console.ReadKey(); } else { // Add some Debug info ex.Data.Add("SomeKeyPassedToFoo", SomeKeyPassedToFoo.ToString()); throw; } } } catch (KeyNotFoundException ex) { // Handle differently Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); int Count = 0; if (!Validate.IsAnyNull(ex, ex.Data, ex.Data.Keys)) foreach (var Key in ex.Data.Keys) Console.WriteLine( "[{0}][\"{1}\" = {2}]", Count, Key, ex.Data[Key]); Console.ReadKey(); } } } } } namespace Common.FluentValidation { public static partial class Validate { /// <summary> /// Validates the passed in parameter matches at least one of the passed in comparisons. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="p_parameter">Parameter to validate.</param> /// <param name="p_comparisons">Values to compare against.</param> /// <returns>True if a match is found.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"></exception> public static bool IsAnyOf<T>(this T p_parameter, params T[] p_comparisons) { // Validate p_parameter .CannotBeNull("p_parameter"); p_comparisons .CannotBeNullOrEmpty("p_comparisons"); // Test for any match foreach (var item in p_comparisons) if (p_parameter.Equals(item)) return true; // Return no matches found return false; } /// <summary> /// Validates if any passed in parameter is equal to null. /// </summary> /// <param name="p_parameters">Parameters to test for Null.</param> /// <returns>True if one or more parameters are null.</returns> public static bool IsAnyNull(params object[] p_parameters) { p_parameters .CannotBeNullOrEmpty("p_parameters"); foreach (var item in p_parameters) if (item == null) return true; return false; } } } namespace Common.FluentValidation { public static partial class Validate { /// <summary> /// Validates the passed in parameter is not null, throwing a detailed exception message if the test fails. /// </summary> /// <param name="p_parameter">Parameter to validate.</param> /// <param name="p_name">Name of tested parameter to assist with debugging.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"></exception> public static void CannotBeNull(this object p_parameter, string p_name) { if (p_parameter == null) throw new ArgumentNullException( string.Format("Parameter \"{0}\" cannot be null.", p_name), default(Exception)); } } } namespace Common.FluentValidation { public static partial class Validate { /// <summary> /// Validates the passed in parameter is not null or an empty collection, throwing a detailed exception message if the test fails. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="p_parameter">Parameter to validate.</param> /// <param name="p_name">Name of tested parameter to assist with debugging.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"></exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"></exception> public static void CannotBeNullOrEmpty<T>(this ICollection<T> p_parameter, string p_name) { if (p_parameter == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("Collection cannot be null.\r\nParameter_Name: " + p_name, default(Exception)); if (p_parameter.Count <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Collection cannot be empty.\r\nParameter_Name: " + p_name, default(Exception)); } /// <summary> /// Validates the passed in parameter is not null or empty, throwing a detailed exception message if the test fails. /// </summary> /// <param name="p_parameter">Parameter to validate.</param> /// <param name="p_name">Name of tested parameter to assist with debugging.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"></exception> public static void CannotBeNullOrEmpty(this string p_parameter, string p_name) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_parameter)) throw new ArgumentException("String cannot be null or empty.\r\nParameter_Name: " + p_name, default(Exception)); } } }
Two Sample NUnit Unit Tests
Matching behaviour for Exception
types is exact (ie. A child IS NOT a match for any of its parent types).
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Common.FluentValidation; using NUnit.Framework; namespace UnitTests.Common.Fluent_Validations { [TestFixture] public class IsAnyOf_Tests { [Test, ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))] public void IsAnyOf_ArgumentNullException_ShouldNotMatch_ArgumentException_Test() { Action TestMethod = () => { throw new ArgumentNullException(); }; try { TestMethod(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.GetType().IsAnyOf( typeof(ArgumentException), /*Note: ArgumentNullException derrived from ArgumentException*/ typeof(FormatException), typeof(KeyNotFoundException))) { // Handle expected Exceptions return; } //else throw original throw; } } [Test, ExpectedException(typeof(OutOfMemoryException))] public void IsAnyOf_OutOfMemoryException_ShouldMatch_OutOfMemoryException_Test() { Action TestMethod = () => { throw new OutOfMemoryException(); }; try { TestMethod(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.GetType().IsAnyOf( typeof(OutOfMemoryException), typeof(StackOverflowException))) throw; /*else... Handle other exception types, typically by logging to file*/ } } } }
Since I felt like these answers just touched the surface, I attempted to dig a bit deeper.
So what we would really want to do is something that doesn't compile, say:
// Won't compile... damn public static void Main() { try { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { // ... handle }
The reason we want this is because we don't want the exception handler to catch things that we need later on in the process. Sure, we can catch an Exception and check with an 'if' what to do, but let's be honest, we don't really want that. (FxCop, debugger issues, uglyness)
So why won't this code compile – and how can we hack it in such a way that it will?
If we look at the code, what we really would like to do is forward the call. However, according to the MS Partition II, IL exception handler blocks won't work like this, which in this case makes sense because that would imply that the 'exception' object can have different types.
Or to write it in code, we ask the compiler to do something like this (well it's not entirely correct, but it's the closest possible thing I guess):
// Won't compile... damn try { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) { goto theOtherHandler; } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e) { theOtherHandler: Console.WriteLine("Handle!"); }
The reason that this won't compile is quite obvious: what type and value would the '$exception' object have (which are here stored in the variables 'e')? The way we want the compiler to handle this is to note that the common base type of both exceptions is 'Exception', use that for a variable to contain both exceptions, and then handle only the two exceptions that are caught. The way this is implemented in IL is as 'filter', which is available in VB.Net.
To make it work in C#, we need a temporary variable with the correct 'Exception' base type. To control the flow of the code, we can add some branches. 开始:
Exception ex; try { throw new ArgumentException(); // for demo purposes; won't be caught. goto noCatch; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) { ex = e; } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e) { ex = e; } Console.WriteLine("Handle the exception 'ex' here :-)"); // throw ex ? noCatch: Console.WriteLine("We're done with the exception handling.");
The obvious disadvantages for this are that we cannot re-throw properly, and -well let's be honest- that it's quite the ugly solution. The uglyness can be fixed a bit by performing branch elimination, which makes the solution slightly better:
Exception ex = null; try { throw new ArgumentException(); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) { ex = e; } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e) { ex = e; } if (ex != null) { Console.WriteLine("Handle the exception here :-)"); }
That leaves just the 're-throw'. For this to work, we need to be able to perform the handling inside the 'catch' block – and the only way to make this work is by an catching 'Exception' object.
At this point, we can add a separate function that handles the different types of Exceptions using overload resolution, or to handle the Exception. Both have disadvantages. To start, here's the way to do it with a helper function:
private static bool Handle(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Handle the exception here :-)"); return true; // false will re-throw; } public static void Main() { try { throw new OutOfMemoryException(); } catch (ArgumentException e) { if (!Handle(e)) { throw; } } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e) { if (!Handle(e)) { throw; } } Console.WriteLine("We're done with the exception handling.");
And the other solution is to catch the Exception object and handle it accordingly. The most literal translation for this, based on the context above is this:
try { throw new ArgumentException(); } catch (Exception e) { Exception ex = (Exception)(e as ArgumentException) ?? (e as IndexOutOfRangeException); if (ex != null) { Console.WriteLine("Handle the exception here :-)"); // throw ? } else { throw; } }
So to conclude:
- If we don't want to re-throw, we might consider catching the right exceptions, and storing them in a temporary.
- If the handler is simple, and we want to re-use code, the best solution is probably to introduce a helper function.
- If we want to re-throw, we have no choice but to put the code in a 'Exception' catch handler, which will break FxCop and your debugger's uncaught exceptions.
So you´re repeating lots of code within every exception-switch? Sounds like extracting a method would be god idea, doesn´t it?
So your code comes down to this:
MyClass instance; try { instance = ... } catch(Exception1 e) { Reset(instance); } catch(Exception2 e) { Reset(instance); } catch(Exception) { throw; } void Reset(MyClass instance) { /* reset the state of the instance */ }
I wonder why no-one noticed that code-duplication.
From C#6 you furthermore have the exception-filters as already mentioned by others. So you can modify the code above to this:
try { ... } catch(Exception e) when(e is Exception1 || e is Exception2) { Reset(instance); }
Note that I did find one way to do it, but this looks more like material for The Daily WTF :
catch (Exception ex) { switch (ex.GetType().Name) { case "System.FormatException": case "System.OverflowException": WebId = Guid.Empty; break; default: throw; } }
Wanted to added my short answer to this already long thread. Something that hasn't been mentioned is the order of precedence of the catch statements, more specifically you need to be aware of the scope of each type of exception you are trying to catch.
For example if you use a "catch-all" exception as Exception it will preceed all other catch statements and you will obviously get compiler errors however if you reverse the order you can chain up your catch statements (bit of an anti-pattern I think) you can put the catch-all Exception type at the bottom and this will be capture any exceptions that didn't cater for higher up in your try..catch block:
try { // do some work here } catch (WebException ex) { // catch a web excpetion } catch (ArgumentException ex) { // do some stuff } catch (Exception ex) { // you should really surface your errors but this is for example only throw new Exception("An error occurred: " + ex.Message); }
I highly recommend folks review this MSDN document:
Exception Hierarchy
catch(ArithmeticException | ArrayIndexOutOfBounds | RunTimeException | Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }
You have to put More Specific Exceptions..ie Subclasses first and then superclasses…
Just call the try and catch twice.
try { WebId = new Guid(queryString["web"]); } catch (FormatException) { WebId = Guid.Empty; } try { WebId = new Guid(queryString["web"]); } catch (OverflowException) { WebId = Guid.Empty; }
It is just that Simple!!
In c# 6.0,Exception Filters is improvements for exception handling
try { DoSomeHttpRequest(); } catch (System.Web.HttpException e) { switch (e.GetHttpCode()) { case 400: WriteLine("Bad Request"); case 500: WriteLine("Internal Server Error"); default: WriteLine("Generic Error"); } }