
我正在寻找在terminal上运行的东西,并允许我跟踪时间。 我希望它是开源的,但这不是必要的。


TimeTrap。 它简单轻便,使用起来有点直观。

$ t switch World Domination Plan $ t in --at "5 minutes ago" Research Volcano Islands $ t out $ t display Timesheet World Domination Plan: Day Start End Duration Notes Mar 14, 2009 19:53:30 - 20:06:15 0:12:45 Research Volcano Islands Total 0:12:45 

它是用ruby编写的,可以在gemcutter或github上作为gem使用: http ://github.com/samg/timetrap


我最近发现了TaskWarrior ,它纯粹是CLI,但function丰富。

编辑2015年6月:自从我多年前写了这个答案以来,taskwarrior已经在一个有很多function和集成的真棒项目中发展起来。 我最喜欢的有:



 $ echo `date`": what I'm doing now" >> timelog.txt 

如果你想稍后处理它,那么如果你使这个date +%sdate +%F%T更容易。


 #!/usr/bin/bash - echo `date +%s` $* >> ~/timelog.txt 


你可以使用wtime :

 wtime [ -t task ] [ <action> ] -t task Specify the name of the task. It has to be a valid file- name. Only the first 32 characters are taken into account. The default value is "default". action is one of the following: -h Display help. -a Start counting. -s Stop counting. -c Display current elapsed time in seconds. -r [ start [ end ]] Display time spent on the task during the specified period. The parametres start and end represent the begginning and end of the reporting period respec- tively. The format of start and end is '%d-%m-%Y' (see strptime (1)). The default values are the cur- rent time for end and the begginning of the current month for the start parameter. 

Emacs 组织模式 !

  • (video)Emacs组织模式 – 用于笔记和项目计划的系统
  • Emacs和组织模式来实施GTD
  • 时间计时

如果您使用todo.txt-cli,则应考虑使用Python编写的打卡时间跟踪 。

取决于你想要跟踪的信息。 在一家公司,我们只是每天追踪我们的总工作时间(税收/社会保险目的)。 最简单的解决scheme是: last 。 更细粒度的,你可以做类似的事情

 echo -e -n `date`\tProjectName\tTask\tComment >> MyTimeTable.txt ...whatever... echo -e \t`date` >> MyTimeTable.txt 



App :: TimeTracker – 易于扩展的基于命令行的时间跟踪器

 ~$ cd work/some_project ~/work/some_project$ tracker start Started working on some_project at 13:06:20 ~/work/some_project$ # hack ... hack ... hack ~/work/some_project$ tracker stop Worked 00:15:42 on some_project ~/work/some_project$ cd ../other_project ~/work/other_project$ tracker start Started working on other_project at 13:32:54 ~/work/other_project$ # hack some more ~/work/other_project$ tracker current Working 00:35:31 on other_project Started at 13:32:54 ~/work/other_project$ tracker start --tag testing Worked 00:38:23 on other_project Started working on other_project (testing) at 14:11:27 ~/work/other_project$ # hack, then go for lunch ~/work/other_project$ # ups, forgot to hit stop when I left ~/work/other_project$ tracker stop --at 14:30 Worked 00:18:33 on other_project (testing) ~/work/other_project$ tracker report --this day work 01:12:38 some_project 00:15:42 other_project 00:56:56 total 01:12:38 

作者网站上的更多细节: http : //timetracker.plix.at/

